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Gabriella Monet POV

I could feel the burning gaze of all the vampires in the room. They were all glaring at me like I was at fault. I didn't start the argument and I certainly doesn't deserve the glares the vampires were giving me.

"This bitch slapped me, "Luciana said.

"Well, I slapped you because you deserved it, "I said to her. If she was good at lying, then I'm the best. The vampires in the room began to murmur amongst themselves. They were probably planning on how to kill me and feed on my blood.


"What is the meaning of all this Gabriella? Are you crazy? Why would you slap a noble vampire! "Slade shouted at me.

Why was he shouting at me when it was obvious that I didn't start the fight. I had to make things right so I decided to tell him how the fight started.

"Slade, hear me out, "I told him. All the vampires gasped, probably because I didn't address him as the prince. I ignored them and continued what I was saying.

"I didn't do anything. She started it. "I tried to tell my own story but he was fuming with anger. Before I knew it, he had slapped me across the face.

My face whipped to the other side and I groaned out in pain. My face had probably red due because for a few seconds, I could not see anything.

"I warned you, didn't I? "Slade said and pointed a finger at me. "Now, look have what you've caused. Now you are going to face punishment.

"Slapping my face isn't enough punishment right? I wonder what you'll do next."

I smirked at him and wiped the warm tears that had flown down my face with my hand. He growled and pushed me to the ground.

The king and Luciana's father both gave me a murderous look. When the king spoke, everyone went silent.

"How dare you slap a noble vampire. You are just a mere slave. Apologize now and I'll decide your punishment, "The king thundered.

"Apologize and get punished. Are they kidding me?"

"No your highness, "I refused.

The vampires in the room all exclaimed. Some cursed at me while some mocked me. None of them showed any sign of pity. It seems like they all wanted me dead. I was not surprised by their attitude because it was their world.

"I didn't do anything wrong your highness and I'm not going to apologize when we were both at fault," I said.

The vampires exclaimed again and began to chant kill her, kill her like I was some game.

"Kill her! Kill her!"They all chanted.

I closed my eyes and waited for my quick death. If they wanted to kill me, they might as well do it quicker. When nothing happened, I opened my left eye and I almost got blinded. The king had slapped me hard on the face. My face turned and I could taste blood in my mouth.

The king grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up.

"Calm down George, she is just a child." the queen, Elizabeth begged.

Why was she begging me like she wasn't one of them? The queen was the first vampire that had shown kindness to me ever since I was bought but I still hated their kind.

"Do not beg me, my queen. You have disgraced a noble and killing you is not an option. So I'll give you the worst punishment you could ever imagine."The king threatened and pointed to some guards. "Take her to the darkest dungeon and lock her there, "he ordered.

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