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Gabriella Monet POV

"He said he just needs help with his room. I was a fool to believe him." I poured out my heart to Slade who couldn't do anything but watch me.

"I am going to kill that bastard myself!" Slade threatened and when I looked into his eyes, I knew he was really angry. One side was blue while the other side was golden. His eyes always transitioned whenever he was angry or emotional. "Why are you looking at me?" He seems to notice how I stared at him.

"Your eyes are different now."

"It's my wolf and Vampire side. They are both fighting for Dominance."

"Can you talk to them?" I questioned.

Slade laughed and pulled me towards the bed. He sat down and pointed for me to sit. I sat beside him and continue staring into his eyes. "Vampires don't have inner selves but my wolf side does. "

"Are you able to communicate?" I didn't know why I was asking questions about him. I should be angry at him for what happened two days ago but I felt calm that he was sitting beside me.

"Not yet." He replied. "My wolf is being distant and I've not shifted yet."

I didn't know how the wolf thing worked so I just nodded in response. "You sure you okay?" He questioned.


He looked at me and smiled while I cleared my throat and looked away. "You look beautiful tonight?"

Beautiful? That was a lie because he was  crazy if he can't smell how badly I stink

"Really?" I scoffed and then burst into laughter. "You are crazy."

Slade also burst into laughter. I looked at him and smiled when I saw him laughing. It was beautiful to watch him laugh but when I remembered what happened two days ago, my smile turned to a frown. I averted my eyes and he seems to notice. "Slade!" I called.


"What are you doing here?"

"How I'm I supposed to answer that when you are not looking at me?" He touched my face and turned my head to face him. "Gabriella," he grabbed my head and held onto it. "I miss you a lot."

"I doubt that!" I scoffed and tried to free my hand from his but he didn't let go. "You seem to be happy with your soon-to-be bride."

"I don't want to be with her Gab!" He confessed and I felt my heart racing. "I......"

"No!" I tried to stand up but he pulled my hand I landed on him. "Let's me go!"

"No," he wrapped his hand around my waist and I felt his breath against my neck. "I'm not letting you go." His grip on me grew tighter. "It's you I want Gabriella."

I scoffed but didn't say anything. "Stop doing that Gab." He warned.

"Let's me go, Slade!" I shouted but he only pulled closer. We were so close that one more pull would lock our lips together.

"It's you I want Gab." He touched my face and stare at my lips.

I visibly gulped as I felt his hand on my lips. He trailed it down to my neck and I shivered.

"What are you doing to me?"

"It should be what you are doing to me." His eyes had changed into a deep ocean blue. "You make me feel loved." His confession created a deep sensation in my body. My inside was throbbing and if he keeps confessing, I might just kiss his lips. "This isn't about the bond Gabriella," he paused and looked at me. I blinked my lashes as I waited patiently for what he had to say. "I don't love Luciana," I liked that confession. "I'm going to tell the king that I won't marry her."

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