Chapter 1. After the shoot

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I was very aware of the two intrusive cameras, the heat of the lights that surrounded us and the directors scrutinizing eyes glaring at us. I was fully aware that I was naked touching my equally naked best friend with his body pressed against mine.

Then they asked us to kiss. The moment his lips met mine, I was no longer fully aware of anything. My body's want took over and I was lost in all that is Cooper. My best friend...


"I have filmed numerous scenes and that was something else. I think I can speak for the crew when I say there were times we felt as though we were shooting a love scene and not just some sex scene."

I shifted uncomfortably on the grey sofa. My best friend, Cooper, was sitting next me and fully engaged in the conversation. I on the other hand felt unable to speak and unable to fully comprehend what was being said. My mind elsewhere.

"Not sure what you mean by that but I'm hoping it's a good thing." Cooper responded in his normal, outgoing playful way." You got a scene. We're still going to get paid, right?" His voice was cool as ever. Showing no sign that he too was freaked out but I knew him better than anyone. I could tell he was putting on a show. He was speaking much faster than he normally does. He was nervous and given he just asked about getting paid, I know he wanted to get out of here as badly as I did.

"Definitely a good thing." The director assured us but I didn't care either way. "And don't worry you'll be paid once we are done here. Shelly in the front has the checks ready for you."

Checks? We need cash. Checks take time to clear and we don't have time. We are driving back home right after we leave here. Did Cooper not ask these questions before he got us into this?

"Robin?" The director called out my 'stage-porn' name, snapping me out of my thoughts. For the record, my real name is Spencer.

I looked up from the sanctuary of the light brown throw rug beneath us that my eyes had been fixated on. The bright lights from the two cameras blinded me and pulled me back to the reality that this still wasn't done yet.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"I asked on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the experience? 10 being amazing and you loved it. 1 being it was horrible and the worst thing ever." The director's tone was bizarrely scripted. His voice flowed through the thick, uncomfortable tension in the room but did so with ease. He was a pro, with Cooper and I being just another set of props he's finishing up with.

I made the mistake of turning to my right to meet Cooper's blank stare. It was odd; he sat mere inches from me and somehow felt miles away. The eyes that met mine no longer resemble the hazel ones I've grown accustomed to. 19 years of one look and I knew if he was happy, sad, annoyed, scared, amused... shit, name an emotion and if Cooper was feeling it, his eyes told me. What they held now was foreign.

Quickly pulling my focus away from Cooper, I found the scrutinizing and impatient glare of the director. Right, I was asked a question.

"I-I don't know. It was different." Having just had an object I never in my life thought I'd go near in my throat, as I spoke I felt a slight soreness. Soreness that I was currently very aware of and mirrored the soreness I felt down below.

This made me angry. "Is this all really necessary? I feel like we're being interviewed for a job that we've already been hired for and performed." No pun.

The director leaned back in his standing position with his hands on his waste and raised a brow. "We're almost done. A few more questions and you guys will be out of here. This is just for extra content. Some of our subscribers love this shit."

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