Chapter 6. Like a Champ

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Cooper chose to drive the remainder of the way home after we left the motel this morning. He didn't even give me an option seeing as he's not speaking to me. Despite our promise not to let whats been happening with us... ya know, all the sex... affect our friendship and to be open and honest with each other, he's drawn back. And not because of the sex itself but what happened during it last night. The night he insisted on it because he wanted to prove he could bottom and I quote "take it like a champ".

Well he took it like a champ. I'll give him that... but that's not the problem. And now we are a mere 30 minutes from our homes and he's still sulking. He needs to snap out of it now or both our families will know something is up the moment we walk into the house.

"Pull over."

He ignored me, eye's locked on the road.

"Cooper." I used as stern a voice as I could muster up. "PULL OVER NOW!"


"Dude. We made a promise." I lowered my voice as I spoke, trying to reason with him. "We can't go home like this. You NEED to talk to me. Please." I begged.

"I'm good."

I threw my hands up in frustration and let out a loud aggravated grunt. "You are acting like a child, Coop. We cannot go home like this. So what that you-"

"Don't you dare." He cut me off, quickly glancing my way to give me a daring look.

"It's really not that big-"

"NOT A BIG DEAL?" He abruptly pulled over into the parking lot of a convenience store not a few miles from our block. His face was red with furry and a hint of embarrassment.

Keeping my composure, not wanting to rile him up anymore than he is, I calmly turned towards him and spoke. "Cooper." I extended my hand to touch his shoulder and he brushed it off. I shook my head in response but continued nonetheless.

"Cooper." I said again. "It's not a big deal. Really. Everyone knows that's where a guy's G-spot is. Why are you so-"

"Why didn't it happen to you then?" His eyebrows shot up like fireworks and he looked me dead in my eyes. It was then I noticed they had a slight pink tone to them. Was he on the verge of tears?

"Are you about to cry?" I stupidly asked.

His face contorted in ways I have never seen. His body tensed and I saw his fists tighten. "No. No, Spencer. I am not about to cry. I'm just- I'm just frustrated."

"Why?" I knew the answer so I am not sure why I asked it but I needed him to say it so we could move past this.

His body went limp. Like he had given into the anger and frustration before releasing it. He looked up at me and this time his eyes captivated me in a way they never have before. For the first time in our lives, I wanted to grab him and hold him in my arms in a way I never have before. But no. That was not ok and so I shook the feeling off and focused on the task at hand - getting Cooper over this before we went home.

"Why didn't it happen to you the two times you bottomed?" He responded, his voice sounding like that of a defeated child.

I gave him a side smile and shrugged. "I don't know man. Maybe it would have. But I was... ya know." I paused to think of how to phrase this. "I was touching myself during it."

His eyes lit up like he had just been given the best gift of his life. "So you kinda cheated!" He practically cheered.

My brows pulled together and my lips set in a thin line. Taking a moment, I wondered if it was worth arguing about this or letting it go. But nope, I just couldn't.

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