Chapter 43. Baited

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"Coop. Stop. That's annoying."

"Kinda agree with her, Man."

"Sorry, guys." I placed my hand on Cooper's thigh, pushing down slightly so he'd stop tapping his foot on the floor. "He's waiting on something." I told them.

It has been a week since we went to the clinic and made the deal. Once the test result came back negative, Cooper was looking forward to finally being intimate with each other again. We both assumed we would get the results back a few days ago but they still haven't been emailed to us and he's been checking his phone nonstop.

Thinking I only had a few days, not a week, before the results, I crammed in one date with him after the next. Anything I could think of that couples do together, I tried to fit in the short time. By now, it felt like we had been on more dates than Jessica and Luke had and they've been together for months. I'm not complaining though. I was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was for the two of us to ease into a more romantic type bond. Many things like cuddling and crap like that, we had done when we thought we were just friends. But simple, little things, like holding hands was new to us but it came naturally. Now, when his hand isn't holding mine, it feels cold and empty. I find we reach for one another without even noticing and it's only been a week!

He's also been sleeping home again. We tried sleeping at his apartment but it felt weird. I also didn't like the thought of sleeping in a bed he and Jeremy shared. They may not have had sex but even still, the thought of them cuddling pisses me off. That's another thing, I've found I'm rather possessive over Cooper. Like, more than he is with me which is crazy because he's always been like a guard dog around me - ready to maul anyone who so much as looked at me the wrong way.

"We have to go!" Cooper abruptly mentioned, snapping me out of my thoughts. He then slid his phone over to me and snatched mine. Entering my pin he knew by heart, he opened my emails and found what he was looking for. "Yup! We need to go. Now!"

"We just got here." Jessica complained.

"Our food should be here shortly." Luke added.

I picked up Cooper's phone, the screen opened to an email from the clinic. I read through and saw he tested negative for everything. From the way Cooper was throwing on his coat and gathering his things, I was certain my results came back clear as well - not that I was concerned in the slightest.

I pulled out my wallet and dropped Forty Dollars on the table. "Ask them to wrap ours up and you guys can take it home for leftovers." I offered, grabbing my jacket and throwing it on.

"You can't be serious." Jessica deadpanned.

"Oh but we are." Cooper responded as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the table.

The looks on Luke and Jessica's faces were priceless. I'm not sure what they thought but I didn't care. Holding out on taking Cooper in my arms and having my way with him was more difficult than I thought it would be. We kept our promise though and held off, making the best of the last few celibate days. With the results in, the only thing I was hungry for was Cooper.

We rushed out of the restaurant Luke, Jessica, Cooper and I intended on enjoying a double date in. In our rushed frenzy to get to our car and home, we almost knocked a girl over. "Watch it, assholes." And when I say a girl, I mean the devil herself.

"You have got to be kidding me." I moaned in frustration.

"Well. Well. Look who it-"

"Not now, Minny." Cooper stopped her from going on. "Your voice literally has my balls retreating into my body."

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