Chapter 35. New Years Eve

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"God, you're so hot." He breathlessly whispered in my ear. I felt his pelvis grinding against mine as the lights danced around the floor to the beat of the music. Then his lips met mine.

This felt good. Unlike any kisses I shared with Vicky, his lips sent shivers down my spine and awoke a certain member down south. Yes, I was gay. So, so very gay.

"A-And." I panted as the kiss broke. The mixture of alcohol, the dancing and the feel of his body moving with mine had my head spinning. "You're broken up? Like." I held in a moan when his lounge flicked the lobe of my ear. "I-I don't want to be a homewrecker or anything."

He moved his head back to look at me, a cheshire cat grin on his face. "No." He assured me. "Gay relationships at our age have a short shelf life. We expired. You'll see as you start dating in this community." His voice was seductive, not matching the words he spoke at all.

How could he be so cavalier about a relationship? If I wasn't a bit buzzed and enjoying being pressed up against him, his comments would have made me sick. But I came out to have fun and that's what I was going to do.

"Hey?" I asked, an idea forming in my mind. "My friend is having a party tonight. Want to crash it?"

"Is there a spare room we can disappear to?"

"Maybe. Want to go and find out?"


The uber to Cooper's apartment took a little longer than I anticipated and by the time we arrived, I wasn't as buzzed as I had been at the club. We walked up a flight of stairs finding apartment 1A with ease. I turned back to face Josh who was right behind me. "Maybe this wasn't the best idea." I told him, but he ignored me and reached around me, knocking on the white metal door.

Maybe they wouldn't hear us over the music and chatter that could be heard coming from inside. That would be a gift. I don't know what I was thinking coming here and bringing Josh with me. "They can't hear anything. We should go." I spoke aloud as I grabbed Josh by the wrist and went to head back down the stairs.

"Happy New Year!" A tall redhead sang as he opened the door to the apartment. "And who might you two be?"

Well shit. It's too late now. "Um..." I hesitated. "Is this Cooper's ap-"

"Cooper!" The redhead shouted. "More guests have arrived." He then left the door open for us to enter and disappeared into the apartment.

Stepping into Cooper's apartment for the first time, I was a bit surprised. I'm not sure what I expected his apartment to look like but this was not it. The freshly painted white walls were free of any signs that a college student lived here. In fact, they were decorated with random modern art pieces, a few shelves hung above the TV console that carried a few pictures and nik-naks. His roommate must have decorated because this was not Cooper... at all.

The apartment itself was an open concept floor plan. We entered right into the living room, dining room and kitchen combo. The kitchen was to the left with a large table in the middle and a larger more spacious space to the right that held a couch and a love seat. A small hallway could be seen straight ahead that I assumed led you to the bathroom and two bedrooms.

"Spence! You came!" The familiar feminine sound of Jessica's voice greeted me and pulled me into a warm embrace.

"I did!" I attempted to sound more enthusiastic than I was. As Jessica pulled me into a hug, I felt my body behind held in place by a hand holding mine tightly. At some point during our entrance, Josh must have taken my hand to hold. I was so nervous I hadn't even noticed.

Jessica pulled back, just noticing Josh and her happy, cheerful aura changed dramatically. "And you brought, Josh?" She deadpanned.

I went to pull my hand out of his grip but Josh held on tight. I went to answer Jessica but was caught off guard by the sight of Cooper's boyfriend, Jeremy, approaching. "You came!" He wiggled his brows and gave me a seductive look. Instinctively, I pulled Josh closer to me and pulled the hand that held mine around my waist, pressing my back against his chest.

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