Chapter 14. When it all changed

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Smut warning... Not going to lie, this was not easy to write. I'm not good at these types of scenes but the story called for it so I pushed through. Sorry if it isn't very good but hang tight, shit's about to go down after this chapter.

Cooper kept his face hidden in the security of his pillow. Despite his best efforts to hide it, I knew he had been crying. Why, though?

With no words exchanged, I reached out and ran my fingers through his hair and sat up a bit to look down onto him. When he looked up at me, even in the darkness of the room, I could see the glass in his eyes and his tear stained cheeks. I sat up fully in bed and with my eyes, I begged for him to do the same.

Cooper sat up more but held his head low. No good, I thought to myself. I lifted his head with two fingers under his chin, our eyes connecting. The pain I felt earlier was replaced with a new pain. The pain of seeing my friend sad and not knowing why or how I could help. Reminding myself of our conversation days earlier when he had asked that I let him come to me with things, I remained silent pushing down the pestering need to ask what was wrong. I would console him the best I could without words.

Unconsciously, both my hands found their way to the sides of his face, wiping away his tears. I took in his beauty as I did so and soon my eyes landed on his lips. I noticed his bottom lip was sucked between his teeth in Cooper fashion, deep in thought. My thumb found its way to that lip; gently pulling it out from the grip of his teeth. Once released, I ran my thumb along it, unintentionally licking my own in the process.

Feeling Cooper's eyes on me, I looked up to meet them. His tears seemed to have ceased and his eyes held a look of anticipation and curiosity. My eyes broke contact to find his lips once more. I moved my hands to the back of his neck and without thinking, I pulled him closer to me.

I wanted to kiss him.

The moment our lips touched, I was lost. We had only kissed once before when we shot that stupid porn and like the first, this kiss did things to me that I had little to no control over. Lost. Yes, I was lost alright. Lost in all things Cooper...

Unlike the first kiss with the intrusion of cameras and a loud mouthed director, it was just us. Without the distractions, I was able to really appreciate the kiss and FEEL it. Pure joy and pleasure filled the emptiness in my chest that held me captive alone in bed only a few minutes prior.

His lips were soft and just the right amount of wet. I have kissed a few girls before but nothing compared to kissing Cooper. At this moment, I felt like his lips were made for mine and mine for his. A perfect fit. Like two pieces of a puzzle that had finally been linked together.

Cooper pulled us closer and with his tongue, he ran it against my lips. I knew what that meant and opened my mouth, allowing him entrance. And yes, I'm going to say it... as cliche as it is... the best way to describe it... fucken fireworks. An explosion of pleasure.

I couldn't tell you when it happened but somehow Cooper was on top; straddling me. Sometime before that we managed to disregard the protection of our boxers; somehow never breaking the kiss unless for a moment of air. Needless to say, we were both fully aroused and fully erect.

Breaking the kiss, Cooper sat up, still straddling my waist and breathed out a seductive, "I want you inside me."

Not needing to be told twice, I reached over to my nightstand to open the draw and retrieve a condom. Cooper grabbed my wrist before I made contact with the draw handle. Pulling my hand to his chest and away from the nightstand, I glanced up at him with questioning eyes.

He shook his head no and said, "I want to feel you. All of you."

I do not condone unprotected sex outside of a long term committed relationship with someone you trust and love. You just never know. But I knew Cooper. I knew I could trust him and he would never lie to me. We had both been tested for any STD's in Miami and have only been with each other since... with one exception. And so I asked.

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