Chapter 41. A boyfriend

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Deep, and I mean really deep down in my soul, I think I always knew I was gay. When I first uttered the words "I'm gay" aloud, it felt like much more than just a weight being lifted off my shoulders. For me, I don't think I ever felt the weight of it all to be honest. Yes, I was in denial for a few months but prior to that, I never thought of the possibility that I was gay. I'm not sure if I should consider that a blessing or a curse.

They say ignorance is bliss and truthfully speaking, it kind of is. I feel for kids and teens who know their sexuality differs from their peers at such a young age. School is hard enough without concerning yourself with the knowledge of being "different" than the majority of your classmates. Shit, I was picked on at times for simple things like a sweater I wore in the eighth grade that my grandmother had gifted me for Christmas that year. I'm not sure how Cooper and I would have managed in school had we been brave enough to recognize the feelings we share for one another. Would we have survived and been strong enough to make it through unscathed.. Together? I'm not so sure.

Now however, we are older. We are more mature and we are able to choose to surround ourselves with people who would love and accept us. There is no fear that we would be forced to walk halls alongside hormonal angry teens looking for any opportunity to make someone else's life hell just because they can. For that, I am grateful. Cooper and I may have missed out on years we could have been romantically together but we've always been so close that I believe with every fiber of my being, the wait was worth it. Better almost. And now, with his lips on mine, the past no longer mattered.

We've kissed a few times before and each time was magical. Even when I was in denial, the moment his lips met mine I was lost in it. The feel, the taste, the warmth and the love. The love I denied myself from truly feeling but I now knew, it was always there. But now, with the knowledge that he was the love of my life, the kiss was even more meaningful. So much so, I failed to remember our mothers were in the same room as I went to deepen the kiss. Thankfully, a group of empty stomachs snapped me out of the heaven that was Cooper's lips.

"Hello? We're starving here. Where the hell is the food?!" It was my eldest brother, Thomas's shouting that pulled Cooper and I apart.

"Shit." I smiled against his lips. "I love you so much, Coop."

"I love you too, Spence." Cooper responded, I could feel his lips smiling against mine in return.

Our two mothers muffled squeals from only a few feet away caused Cooper and I to jump back from one another. Simultaneously, we both sheepishly looked their way, embarrassed by their happy gaze. "I'm sorry guys, we're just so..." my Mother went on to say, only to be cut off by Mama Sophia finishing her sentence, "HAPPY!"

Cooper groaned and plunged his face into my chest. I threw my arms around him and let out a chuckle, not caring that our mothers stood watching. I wanted them to know how much I loved him. I wanted the world to know. "We should go sit inside so these two can get a move on with dinner." I whispered down into Cooper's neck, leaving a kiss behind as I did. He pulled his head back from my neck and nodded.

I grabbed his hand in mine and walked out of the kitchen but not before giving our mothers a look that said "you two are unbelievable". We made our way into the dining room where our fathers and siblings all sat impatiently waiting for dinner to be served.

"Rebecca, you might want to move over so Spencer and his boyfriend can sit next to each other." My brother James attempted the joke, not noticing Copper and I stood hand-in-hand.

I turned to Cooper with a huge smile on my face and asked aloud, "I'm not sure. Coop, do I have a boyfriend that I should be sitting next to?" That's when our families began to notice our linked hands.

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