Chapter 30. The calm before...

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"Coop?" I asked to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

It was the first time the four of us had been together since my fallout with Cooper. I wish I could say it felt good, but given the circumstances, it was hard to feel anything but pissed off and hatred towards Minny. That she-devil plastered fliers of the porn video all over town.

Cooper sat and then turned to me. "I'm so sorry, Spence. I don't know how this got-"

"Minny!" I slammed my fist down on the table. Cooper jumped back a bit at my outburst. I quickly retreated my hands and turned to Cooper. "Sorry." I apologized. "That wasn't directed at you. I just can't believe she hates me that much she'd-"

"She hates us all." Jessica cut in. "She's been waiting for something. It really sucks that this is what she's using for her little revenge." After her flustered comment her face dropped, looking sad. "Are you guy's ok?" She addressed Cooper and I.

Cooper and I looked at each other, we shared a small smile before turning our attention back to Jessica. "I know you guys kinda made up, idiots!" Jessica uttered. "I mean with all this? The flier."

"I'm just concerned about our parents." Cooper jumped in. Then added, "and Spencer."

"My biggest concern is our parents as well. Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly want anyone to see or know about the video but I'm a big boy. I can handle it. It's just, ugh... our parents. I don't want them knowing the whole town might have found out." I added.

"How the hell did Minny find out about it anyway?" Cooper questioned.

"At Randy's." Luke responded.

"We think her cousin Rex or R-"

"Rik." I corrected Jess. "He and his boyfriend Josh showed up to meet Minny. I think he noticed me and showed her the video." I shivered mentioning Josh's name, remembering his hand on my thigh.

"What a dick move. I met him and thought he was a cool guy." Cooper commented.

"I don't think he knew what a raging sociopath his cousin was." I defended Rik. "He probably just wanted to know if it was really me and didn't expect her to use it as a weapon. He seemed mortified when she brought it up to us that night."

"Dude, why didn't you tell me any of this last night?" Cooper demanded.

I turned in my seat feeling a tad attacked. "It was the first time we had spoken in forever and I was just happy to spend time with you. I didn't want to ruin it with talks of Minny nor her cousin's creeping molesting boyfriend!" I barked.

The table went silent and all eyes were on me. "What?" I scanned the table. "Did I say something wrong? Does the mention of her name not ruin all our moods?"

"Molesting boyfriend?" Josh asked.

"Ohhh..." I dragged out and rubbed the back of my neck. "You guys didn't notice-"

"I fucken knew it!" Jessica was smiling like she won the lotto. "He was so hitting on you."

Cooper was silent and in the corner of my eyes I saw his fist clenched. He was gripping them so tight his knuckles went white. "He seemed rather touchy under the table." Jessica added.

"He what?!" Cooper's sudden outburst caught us all off guard. Turning completely in his chair to face me he asked, "What did that mother fucker do? I'll beat his sorry surfer boy ass. That's what I'll do." His face was red with anger and I had to put my hand on his shoulder to keep him from leaping out of the chair.

"Relax, Coop. I'm fine." I raised my hands. "I swear. I am good. He just..." I felt a rush of heat flood my face in embarrassment. "He kind of felt me up under the table a bit but I didn't let it get that far." I rushed that last part out seeing as my explanation did little to calm Cooper down.

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