Chapter 34. Our Christmas

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Jessica always knew what to do and what to say or not to say when I was upset. Not that I was upset, but I was torn and shaken. After we left the party and went back to my room, we just sat on my bed with my TV on, watching reruns of random 90's sitcoms. At some point, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, I was being woken up by her voice.


"Too early." I tossed and threw my comforter over my head.

"Spence!" Jessica spoke louder. "Get up. Your Mom's already started cooking breakfast and my Mom just text me asking where I am. GET UP!"

I pulled the comforter down, exposing my face and slowly opened my eyes. Jessica was inches from my face, making me flinched and push her back. "Too close. You scared me!" I scolded her.

"Well you're up now and that's what counts." She giggled. "Look. Luke is meeting me outside in like five minutes. He spent the night in Cooper's old room. I have to get home or my parents will kill me. It is Christmas Morning after all."

"Ugh. I don't want to face my family." I whined as I sat up, leaning against the headboard of my bed.

Jessica smiled at me, a smile I haven't seen in a long time. "I'm proud of you." She reached out and tapped the tip of my nose with her finger. "My little Gay bestie!"

I gave her a stern look after her comment. "Too soon?" She laughed. "It was quite the coming out though. I wasn't expecting it." She admitted with a teasing tone in her voice.

"Neither was I." I assured her. "It just... came out." I wanted to relish in the feeling I felt when I said it. "It felt good!"

I didn't think it was possible but her smile grew even larger. "That makes me happy!" She gushed. "When are you going to talk to Cooper?" She questioned me, I looked at her in confusion.

"I don't know. When I see him next... I'm assuming he'll be her for Christmas morning with all our other crazy ass family." I shrugged.

"That's not what I meant." She deadpanned. "You're finally out. Accepted yourself and all that shit. Now you and Cooper can-"

"Stop!" I cut her off. "Cooper and I are friends. Besides, he has a boyfriend. What happened between us was purely physical. I'm not sure he and I could manage a romantic relationship."

Jessica looked disappointed. "You're kidding me, right?" Yep, she was disappointed. "Did you not hear the way Minny's cousin and his boyfriend described the chemistry they saw in the video?" She asked and I looked at her even more confused than I was before. "Right." She sighed. "You were already so wasted by the time that conversation happened. I think you need to watch it!"

Her suggestion caught me off guard and I made a disgusted face. "Ewe!" I pouted. "That just sounds weird. Watching your own sex tape. No thank-"

"I watched it." Cooper's voice rang through my room. Jessica and I turned to the direction of my door at the same time.

"You watched it?" I questioned him.

"I had to!" He defended himself. "The first time I went to a gay club, I was hounded by people. Apparently, we are very popular. Not that I'm surprised." He said, cockily. I just rolled my eyes.

"Well, will you look at that? Luke just texted me that he's outside waiting for me." Jessica suddenly mentioned.

I glared at her. "Your phone is in your bag Jess." I noted.

"Merry Christmas gays... I mean guys!" She sang as she got up, grabbed her purse and left the room.

With her departure, Cooper came and sat at the edge of my bed. He looked at me and for some reason I started to feel self conscious. A weird tension built before he spoke. "Look Spence." He began.

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