Chapter 18. Shut out

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"Or whatever's left of it."

Cooper's last words to me before he left the house haunted me. Everything I feared would transpire had. Our parents found out about the porn and my friendship with Cooper was on the fritz.

Cooper had also told me he was gay. If I am being completely honest, I hadn't even given the status of my sexuality much thought. I was naive in thinking that what we were doing didn't or couldn't change our sexuality. I mean, it couldn't. You're gay or your not, right? Bisexual, maybe? Either way, there was no use in questioning my own. Not after the way my parents reacted to the porn. Being with a male was not an option and therefore, I wouldn't allow myself another minute dissecting the notion.

However, that didn't help the nagging knowledge that I had played a part in Coopers sexual revelation. What was I thinking? Jess even warned me to be careful. Not to toy with his emotions. I always thought of myself as his protector. Someone who would shield him from pain, not cause it. And I am positive he was going to tell me he was in love with me before I cut him off.

It's official. I am a horrible son and an even worse friend. A terrible person all around.

After he left, I ran up to my room, locked my door and curled up in bed to cry. In less than a minute, my mother was at my door begging me to let her in. I didn't respond to her at all. Then came my father and despite his demanding tone and banging on my door, I remained silent and cried to myself. If I responded or let them in, they would ask questions that I didn't want to answer.

I can only assume that Cooper's parents went after him after he stormed out. I had not heard from either of them at all and after my parents decided to give me some space, the house fell silent. So I know Cooper's parents had left.

Alone with my thoughts, I watched as the sun beams danced around my room, shining through the windows and then slowly fading away. Night fell and I waited in vain, praying Cooper would return. I tossed and I turned, deep in thought until midnight struck.

I picked my phone up off my nightstand, the screen coming to life; blinding me for a moment. Once my eyes adjusted, I was disappointed to find a slew of text and missed calls from Jess but nothing from Cooper.

Pulling up his contact information, I sent him a simple text - "Are you awake?"

He didn't respond. It appeared as though he didn't even read it so I tried again for safe measures - "Please, can we talk?"

Still nothing. So I gave it one more try - "I'm sorry for some of the things I said. Please. Can we talk?"

I waited a good twenty minutes and when he didn't respond, I tried calling. His phone went straight to voicemail.

It was the first night in years that I slept alone. Without Cooper.


The next morning, despite my severe lack of sleep, I found myself somewhat energized when I crawled out of bed to get ready for work with my Dad. Cooper had no choice but to come, which would give me the opportunity to speak with him. He couldn't avoid me at work.

When my father called for me, I rushed downstairs and was greeted with a cup of coffee. My Dad stood in the kitchen with a mug in his hand and a sad look on his face.

"How'd you sleep, Kid?" He hesitantly asked.

"I've slept better." I responded truthfully but not wanting to harp on it, I followed up with "where's Cooper? Is he coming here or meeting us in the truck?"

He gave me an apologetic look before replying that Cooper had texted him and that he would meet us on site. He wanted to drive himself.

My father tried asking what had transpired after he left my room the day before and why Cooper and I fought, but I wouldn't answer him. To say the ride to the job site was uncomfortable would be an understatement. I could tell my dad wanted to comfort me and help me... well both Cooper and I, through whatever it was that had us fighting but how could you tell your father "We've been sleeping together. The porn was the first time but it continued. Then Cooper told me he was gay. I told him he was confused. He then confessed his love for me and I told him he was an idiot and dense." No. That was not an option.

When we arrived at the job site, I saw Cooper's car parked in the lot and rushed out of my dad's truck to find him. When I did he had already put himself to work. He was with one of my fathers other workers putting up sheetrock. When I asked him if we could talk, he ignored me. He pretended I wasn't even there.

Per my dad's request, I gave him some space. Something about not causing a scene at work and being professional. During our lunch break, I went to talk to Cooper again but my dad stopped me. As politely as he could, he told me I needed to respect Cooper's boundaries and give him time.

By the end of the first week, I was a shell of myself. Five nights of adjusting to sleeping alone. Five sleepless nights of endless thinking. Five days of being ignored by the person I was closest to. Five days of feeling sick to my stomach and wanting nothing more than to talk to someone so close but so far away.

Cooper didn't look like he was faring any better but he still refused to acknowledge my existence. Mama Sophia came by to see me on numerous occasions but I shut her out. I shut everyone out and from the not so subtle loud discussions our mothers shared, as often as they could, it seemed Cooper was doing the same.

Jessica had called and texted me throughout the week. Each time she did I responded that I was tired from work or made up some other stupid excuse as to why I didn't want to see her. Her stubborn ass called me out on my bullshit multiple times but she didn't push it. She knew when I was ready, I would come to her and I appreciated her for that. If only Mama Sophia and my mother didn't get involved.

Which brings me to this very moment. The moment where I would have to relive the events of the past week, actually talk through everything and answer really uncomfortable questions. And answer them honestly or risk losing another friend. Although when she hears it all, she may walk out on me too.

"Please. Take your time." Jessica picked a random book off my shelf and sat sprawled out on my bed. She licked her middle finger, opened the book to a random chapter and turned a page. "I've got all night. You're Mom said I can stay over so by all means, continue standing there with that stupid blank look on your face."

She slapped the book shut resulting in a rather loud popping sound that made me jump. She sat on her knees in my bed and looked at me like she would torture me to get me to start speaking if she had to. "Your Mom called me Spencer. Wait, correction, I had both Mama Jo' and Mama Sophia call me on three-way. Apparently, you're not punished but you both did something so unfathomable that your parents won't even talk about it. AND'' she emphasized, "You and Coop aren't talking. 'An earth shattering argument' is how they phrased it."

She slowly walked on her shins to the edge of the bed before swiftly swinging her feet to the floor and stood up in front of me. She may be shorter than I am and her eyes may have only been at my chest but I won't lie, I was nervous.


I froze.

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