Chapter 40. Emotions

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"Oh and one more thing. I am in love and he's..." 

I sat there staring at the comment, wondering if I should send it or not. Did it say enough? Not enough? I wanted to leave it open-ended. Like I said before, I didn't want to tell Cooper over a porn site's comment section but I wanted to get his attention. It was manipulative, I know, but I'm taking tips from this very site.

Deciding it was now or never, for better or worse, anymore thought and I'd forget it all... I hit send. Without waiting, I exited the site and closed my laptop.

My heart was racing and my mind was once again all over the place. I needed to calm down. I needed something to preoccupy my time before returning and checking to see if anyone or someone in particular noticed and responded back. However, I had nothing to do. No school work, Jessica and Luke were busy doing god knows what and I couldn't see Cooper. That would defeat the purpose of the post. So I decided on a nap.

I woke up about two hours later, the only light in my room was the dim glow the moon cast through my windows and my phone's screen. Jessica was calling me. Before I could reach it, it went to voicemail. When I picked up my phone to call her back, I noticed I had four other missed calls from her. My phone went off again.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"What the fuck, Spencer?" Jessica sounded irritated. "I've been calling you non-stop. Why is Cooper harassing me and talking about your boyfriend? Who are you even dating? I saw you like yesterday!" She rambled on.

"Whoa, whoa." I began to talk over her. "Calm your tits." Still half asleep, I turned to my nightstand and turned on my lamp. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust but as they did, I felt myself a little more alert than before. "A boyfriend?" I asked, unaware I had one.

She huffed into the phone. "I don't know. That's what Cooper said. Something about a post but when you didn't answer the first time, I checked your socials and I don't see what post he's talking about." Another light went on but this time in my head.

"I gotta go, Jess. I'll call you later." I rushed her off the phone; jumping off my bed in a hurry. I heard her mumble something but I had hung up before she could finish. I'll apologize later and when she finds out why, she'll forgive me.

My laptop was open and I signed into the website that hosted our video at lightning speed. My heart was racing, my hands sweaty, the anticipation was almost too much to take. It didn't help that for some reason it was taking much longer to load than before. Watching it load, all I could do was sit and wait, running my fingers through my hair while tapping my foot on the floor.

And then it appeared. In a matter of two hours, just two hours, my post was filled with at least a hundred responses. There were so many, I was finding it difficult to see if the one person I wanted to comment on it, had. I sighed dramatically aloud to myself, frustration kicking in when more comments began to upload. I almost wanted to respond "stop commenting" but thought better. When I didn't see his username, my heart sank in my chest. He must have seen it though. Why else would he have called Jessica about me having a boyfriend?

Just as I went to exit, one last comment loaded. It was from BruceModel#212 and all it was, was three question marks ("???").


I was in a bad mood. I was setting up the table for dinner the night after Cooper's little response to my post. I thought he'd have reached out to me after I didn't respond to his three question marks but he hasn't. It's been radio silence.

"Mom." I called from the dining room after placing the last set of dishes and silverware down. "You gave me one too many sets."

"No I didn't." She shouted back to me from the kitchen. "Cooper called and said he was coming." I froze at her words, turning slowly towards the direction of the kitchen.

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