Chapter 25. Vicky

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"You're seriously going out with her again?" Jessica asked, laying on her back in my bed.

Trying on a second button up shirt that I had recently purchased, I turned to Jess and asked "how's this one?"

"It looks the same as the last. Only that one is a lighter shade of blue. They look the same but seriously, why are you going out with her again."

"They do not look the same" I insisted as I buttoned it up. "And why are you so against me seeing Vicky again?" I asked with a bit of irritation.

It has been two months since Cooper moved out. The night after his move, when we went to Randy's Pub, I had met Vicky. We've gone on a few dates since and for some reason Jessica didn't like her.

"Well, for starters her name is Vicky." Jessica sat up in my bed as she spoke. "She's also a bit of a bore and kinda dull." Jessica made a weird face at the end of her sentence which I just ignored. "Have you spoken to Coop-"

"No!" I responded with little to no interest in that topic. "Her full name is Victoria if calling her Vicky bothers you and she's not boring. She's just a nice sweet girl. Sorry she's not some rager who wants to party all night."

Vicky wasn't shy but she was reserved at times. When I first saw her at Randy's, she was tucked away in the corner of the bar. She's currently attending the university on the other side of town and was dragged out that night by her college roommate. It was evident she was uncomfortable when I approached her. After talking, I found her to be a sweet, wholesome girl that any parent would be proud of their son bringing home.

She didn't drink, blushed when she would accidentally let a curse slip through her lips, never spoke ill of anyone, went to church regularly, dressed conservatively but stunning all the same and was saving herself for marriage. In my opinion, she was exactly what I needed. After a sex driven summer that tore my life apart, a slow and steady relationship without the stress of sex was a breath of fresh air.

As mentioned, despite her conservative dress and demeanor, she was stunning. She was about 4 inches shorter than me with a slim frame. His light almost dark blond hair was cut to her shoulders and bobbed when she laughed or walked. It was cute. She had an amazing pair of baby blue eyes and a cute little button nose that sat above her full, always glossed-up lips.

Sure, she wasn't your typical college teen, almost in her 20's, looking to her college years as an excuse to "find herself". Girls like that usually frequented parties and hooked up with a new person every other week (not that I'm judging. I just wasn't looking for a girl like that). Vicky knew who she was and was confident in her skin. I found it attractive.

"Has Mama Jo' or Mama Sophia met her yet?" Jessica asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No." I responded dully, slipping into a pair of not so formal dress shoes. Don't ask me what they're called because I have no idea. Vicky had suggested them on our last date when we were at the mall. She said they were like sneakers you could dress up. And I'm not going to lie, they looked nice on the outside but felt like sneakers inside. I wasn't complaining.

"Why not?"

I turned to face Jessica, now fully dressed. "How do I look?" I asked with my arms out, a cheesy smile on my face and then turned in a circle so she could get the full view.

"Like Spencer trying too hard. That's what you look like." She commented followed by an obnoxious exhale of breath. "Why hasn't she met the moms yet?" She asked again.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at her. "It's too soon. We're not even that serious. This is only our...what? Like fifth-"

"This is like your fifteenth date, Spence." Jessica cut me off.

"Is not." I protested.

"Is too."



"You're annoying." I deadpanned.

"No, Vicky is." Jessica retorted.

"Is she boring or annoying? Not sure she can be both?" I argued.

Jessica snorted, "Um, she most certainly can be both and she is. I just don't get it. She's so not your-"

"And who is?" I asked in irritation. "Can you please just stop. I'm sure you're not giving Cooper shit about who he dates, do you?"

"I just miss you, that's all." Jessica said, trying to ease the now growing tension. "You're never around anymore. If it's not school or work with you Dad, you're out with her. Can you guys at least come with Luke and I to Randy's tonight?" She asked, pleadingly.

I gave her a look that said it wasn't going to happen and she knew why. The month prior, Cooper had unexpectedly shown up with his new roommate. I was immediately annoyed. He had a roommate! It felt like I was replaced and the guy was a loud mouthed little flamboyant prick. He made one snarky stereotypical gay comment after the next. He couldn't help but make snarky comments on what everyone wore, thinking he was the funniest person alive. Everyone laughed along with him while I sat there miserable. Thankfully Vicky didn't come that night, save from the guy's colorful mouth.

"Cooper won't be there." Jessica commented as if reading my mind. "He said he had something important to do in the morning and needed to be well rested."

I reluctantly agreed provided Vicky was ok with it. Jessica seemed to be ok with that response and sarcastically wished me well on my date.


"That was a cute movie. Sorry I made you sit through another chick flick." Vicky said, her arm linked with mine as we made our way from through the cinema's parking lot to my truck. Yes, I drive more often now.

I smiled down at her, her blue eyes glistening up at me. "It was cute but not as cute as you." I flirted shamelessly.

She blushed and hid her face in my chest as we continued to my truck. The brisk November air was harsh with the gusts of occasional wind penetrating through our thick winter coats. Vicky seemed warm, all cuddled up to me. I, on the other hand, felt no warmth radiating off her. As pleased as I was to be her heat source, I wouldn't mind a little warmth in return.

"So to Randy's then?" Vicky asked.

I stopped walking and turned her in my arms to look at her. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Your friends are there and they miss you." She responded, always the caring type. Thinking of others.

I smiled at her and we continued our walk to the truck. Once in, I waited for the truck to warm up before blasting the heat. Getting comfortable with the warm air filling the truck's interior, we started the short drive to Randy's. The drive was filled with a comfortable silence and my mind began to drift. Thoughts of Cooper soon invaded my head and while I wish I could just focus on the girl in the passenger seat beside me, I just couldn't.

Since he moved, I had seen Cooper a few times. Often in passing on campus with no more than the occasional nod and a few times at one of our houses for dinner. During these dinners, being polite, we would only engage in conversation when our parents would go out of their way to bring up childhood memories. He had also texted me once to see how I was doing. When the text came through, I didn't respond at first but felt it would be immature not to so I responded with a simple, "I'm good, and you?" I guess he took that as me not wanting to talk since he never responded.

From what I've heard from Jessica, he's made some more friends. Many in the gay community. I don't know nor do I care to hear if he's dating so I never asked and Jessica never offered up such information. He seemed to be maturing a bit too. The few times I have seen him, he was dressed in more fitted, mature clothes and wasn't half as sarcastic as he usually is. If I am being honest, I didn't like it one bit. I missed him. I'll admit it but I missed the Cooper I knew. Not this new, watch what you say and care so much about your appearance Cooper.

"We're here, Spencer." Vicky announced, bringing me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even noticed I parked. Scary.

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