Chapter 42. I want to wait

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"You think that bigoted bible thumping bitch gave you something, don't you? I knew she looked crusty. You can't trust those types. The ones who don't practice what they preach. What do you think she gave you? The herps? The Cliv?"


"You think it's worse. Oh god."


"It's ok. Whatever it is, I won't leave you. They have pills now. We can be careful."

"Cooper!" I shouted, his face still so close to mine that I could feel my breath hit his face and waft back to mine. "We only ever kissed." I told him.

Cooper still sat straddling me, I was sitting up as well with my arms around his waist. He was questioning me as to why I made an appointment at the local clinic to get us both tested.

"So then why..." He pondered, his face scrunched up in confusion and then went wide. "You think I have something!" He went to wiggle himself off of me but I held him tight.

"Spencer! You said you'd call me back." Jessica came storming into my room shouting but stopped abruptly when she saw Cooper and I in bed, him struggling to get away from me. "Oh." She breathed out and then a look of anger crossed her face. "No! You both can't continue to do this. You're just hurting each other."

Cooper and I looked at each other confused. He then took the distraction as an opportunity to pry himself away from me and scurried off the bed.

"Jess?" I asked as I extended my arm to catch Cooper's wrist. "What are you going on about and could you maybe come back at a different time?"

"No. I'm not leaving so that you two can bang it out. This stops now. You two need to talk. Spence, tell Cooper right now!" Now I was even more confused by her statement. All the while Cooper has been trying to tear his wrist out of the grip I held.

"Don't worry Jess, we're not having sex because apparently my boyfriend thinks I have a disease." Cooper said angrily, still trying to pry my hand off his wrist.

"I do not think you have a disease, Coop!' I assured him. "But you were in an open relationship and it's the responsible thing to do." This caused Cooper to stop trying to get away from me.

"Boyfriend?" Jessica spoke, glancing between Cooper and I. "You told him you were in love with him?" She directed her question at me. A smile making its way on her face.

Cooper ignored her question and looked down at me on the bed. "We never had sex." He deadpanned. "In fact, you're the only guy I've ever been with." I let go of his hand as he spoke with a look of shock.

"That's right." He continued. "The reason we were in an open relationship is because I said I wasn't ready but that slut couldn't keep his dick in his pants. We made a deal that he could have his fun until he and I sealed the deal. It was meant to happen on New Years. Take a wild guess what happened and why we broke up." He huffed at the end of his rant and put his hands on his hips.

"You guys are finally together!" Jessica interrupted his confession.

Cooper turned to Jessica and started ushering her out of the room. "Yes. We are together. We'll call you tomorrow." He told her as he held her lower back, nudging her to the door. "Now if you don't mind, like a kid at a carnival, I wish to take a ride and you need to go!"

"Ok Ok." Jessica rambled as Cooper continued nudging her out. "I'm just so happy. Double date. Yes! Oh. My. God. This is ama-"

"Yes, I know. It's amazing." Cooper cut her off and once she was out of the room he said, "Love you" and slammed the door shut. He then turned to me and noticed the wide grin on my face. "Don't even!" He told me. "Get the smirk off your face."

"What?" I asked in a teasing manner. "I can't be happy to know my boyfriend has only ever been with one man and that man just so happened to be me?"

He made his way to the bed and pounced on me. "You can be as happy as you want when your dic-"

"I want to wait." I cut him off.

"You WHAT? Why? I just told you-"

"I know." I cut him off again and grabbed both his wrists, pulling him down and flipping him around on his back. I straddled his waist, pinning him down to the bed so that he couldn't move. "Kinky." He responded to the movement.

"Cooper." My voice was mellow but stern. "I want to wait. Seriously." All playfulness he held died for a moment at my words. "Look." I sighed. "We've been friends forever. Then we started sleeping together. We never had the in between where we went from friends to lovers. Maybe it sounds corny but I don't know..." My voice cut off in embarrassment at the end. I let go of his wrists and looked away from him. "I kind of want to take you on a date and shit. And have our first time officially being together-"

"Special?" Cooper whispered back to me, finishing my sentence.

I looked back down at him, he was smiling a true genuine smile. "Yes." I confirmed, my voice still flushed with embarrassment. He sat up and kissed me ever so gently.

"Ok." He spoke into my lips. "I like that idea."

"I like you." I kissed him back then corrected myself. "No, I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed me again. "And I love that we don't have to wake up at the crack ass of dawn tomorrow. You should cancel-"

"We're still going."

He pulled his head back. "Why?" He whined.

"It is the responsible thing to do." I told him. He still looked upset so I added, "If you go, I promise the day we get the result we can fuck like rabbits until our bodies give out. And when we find out we're both clean... and we will." I assured him. "We won't need condoms."

Cooper woke me up at seven thirty the next morning. 

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