Chapter 33. Twas the night

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Saved? What did Vicky mean by me being saved? And, she knew about the video this whole time? My mind was reeling, my heart racing and all the while my friends and siblings continued to argue around me. Cooper stood staring at me as though he was unsure of what to do or say. Welcome to the club!

"Everyone just SHUT UP!" My sister's voice cut through the chatter and the room went silent.

"So let me get this straight." Rebecca had everyone's attention. "You two," she gestured to Cooper and I, "slept together a few months ago. I'm assuming it was a porn if it was posted on social media and if Thomas is correct and you two were baited??? I know exactly what site you're both on. Which means you actually made a real fucken porn. This happened in Miami?" She asked but it seemed like she already knew the answer.

How the hell did everyone know about this site? Especially my sister! Cooper and I just slowly nodded in the affirmative.

"How the hell did you not know you were being baited?" She asked but before either of us could answer she went on. "Doesn't matter." She waved her hand in the air. "Is this why you both have been fighting and why Cooper moved out?" She paused waiting for an answer but came up with one herself. "No, there's more to it. You enjoyed it and did it more than that one time didn't you?" I'm going to have to suggest she changed majors and go into law enforcement or something.

"N-No-" I went to lie.

"Right, Spence. You're about as bad a liar as John is a 'truly holy conservative man'. And shut up John!" Rebecca stopped him before he could argue. "Seeing as Cooper came out of the closet and you" she was looking directly at me, "showed up tonight with this sorry excuse of a girlfriend, the sex continued until you freaked out and pushed him away."

I felt flustered, a tad angry and was done with all this. She may be right but whatever happened between Cooper and I was no one else's business. Plus, it was in the past. We were trying to move on and not rehash it. Did she also think I was really going to admit all this in front of everyone. Vicky, who she had just insulted was in the room and... was apparently now whispering secretly with John. I got enraged. Not because I was jealous, no! I knew what they were probably talking about and I needed to know what the hell Vicky meant by me being "saved".

"Vicky?" I shouted, ignoring my sister waiting impatiently for me to confirm or deny her assumptions. Vicky jumped at the sound of my voice and looked over her shoulder at me, a hint of anger in her eyes. Good. I know the feeling. "I'm going back to my house. I think you should come if you want a ride to the train later and plus, I think we need to talk." I turned without waiting for an answer and stormed up the stairs.

I heard my name being called followed by what sounded like a stampede behind me. I ignored it all up until I burst through the basement door, rounding the corner to find my Mom, Dad, Mama Sophia and Papa Ray cleaning up. All the other guests must have left which was odd, it was still somewhat early.

They stopped when they saw me and I must have looked as angry as I felt because Mama Sophia immediately assumed, "Did John say something? We heard arguing and rushed the few remaining guests out."

"Kind of." I replied. It wasn't a lie. He was part of it and I needed to get out of here. Mention his name and our parents would shift their focus in an instant.

"Spence, Man! Wait please?" Cooper's voice rendered me immobile. He sounded so torn up and needy.

"Please don't tell me you two are arguing again. What happened now?" My Dad sounded fed up.

Behind Cooper, one-by-one, all our siblings, Vicky and Jeremy, followed by our friends Jessica and Luke, came marching into the living room. Great, the audience followed me and now our parents were involved.

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