Chapter 13. Empty

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I knew what it was I was feeling. It was jealousy but I dared not admit it to myself. I told myself the sick to the stomach feeling was the alcohol I had consumed. Cooper meeting a girl and going home with her was a good thing. Nevertheless, my mood had taken a turn for the worse and I wanted to leave. If Cooper had just left, he may still be outside the bar and so I had to give it a few minutes.

"I gotta pee." I announced to whomever at our table might be interested. There was a conversation between my friends taking place at the moment, one that I had zoned out of.

I scooted out of the bar stool I was seated in and turned to head towards the bathroom. I was delighted to find one of the two single occupant bathrooms unoccupied. I was about to close and lock the door behind me, when a tiny dirty blond headed girl squeezed through the door just as it was closing.

"Jess! What the fuck?" I asked, surprised by her sudden ambush.

She pushed the door fully shut and locked it. "Nothing I haven't seen before." She nonchalantly replied and then turned to me, the confined space left little room for me to do much of anything.

"Are you ok?" She asked, her voice soft and nurturing. I hated it.

I looked at her confused at first and then realized why she was asking. I let out a dramatic sigh and tilted my head to the right giving her the "are you serious" look.

She mimicked my action and crossed her arms over her chest. "Spence." She paused. "Do you want me to crash at your place tonight? Or if you want you can crash at mine." She offered. Sincerity and concern in voice.

"And why would I need that, Jess?" I knew what she was getting at but I wanted her to say it.

"Spence." She again called my name as though that was an answer. I didn't respond and so she continued. "How long has it been since you've slept alone?"

"I'm not a child, Jess. I'll be fine. I assure you!" I responded almost insulted.

"Spencer?" She used my name as a question.

"Jess." I said and put my hands on her shoulders. "I. WILL. BE. FINE." I assured her. "Besides, don't think I didn't notice you and Luke flirting all night long."

"That's-" She tried to cut me off but I wasn't having it.

"You two have been crushing hard on each other for years now. I know you both think it'll ruin your friendship but High School is over. There's no rumor mill or petty people to get in your guys' way. You should give it a try. You never know-"

"I could say the same to you."

There was a long pause before either of us spoke after that comment. The two of us just stared at each other until there was a knock on the door.

"Fuck!" I cursed. "Jess, I didn't even pee yet. Turn around and while you're staring at the wall of off colored tiles, think about what you just implied."

Jessica turned while I relieved myself. I didn't want to, not with her in the bathroom but the impatient knocking on the door left me with no choice.

"I saw it in your eyes, Spence. When he said-"

"Jess! I am peeing. Please." I shut her up.

When I was finally done and washed my hand the two of us exited the bathroom, met by a few angry eyes. We both mouthed "sorry" to those we passed. Before we got back to our table, I stopped and grabbed Jessica by the arm.

"I'm just going to head home. I'll call an Uber. Mike can drop you off, right?"

She gave me a sad look but smiled nevertheless. "I'll be fine. Please call me though... if you need me, Spence."

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