Chapter 9. Am I turning you on?

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I knew eventually we would tell Jessica what happened between us but I didn't intend to do it without speaking with Cooper first. I'd be lying if I said it just came out. It most certainly did not but at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to prove them both wrong and shut Cooper up. I am no square and loads of fun! I can cut loose with the best of them. Besides, we don't keep secrets from Jessica and we don't lie to her. Jessica is our girl and even if we wanted to keep it from her, she would have figured it out eventually. I just hope Coop's not pissed.

"W-What do you mean?" Rendered almost speechless, Jessica attempted to process my words. "Why would I be asking Coop how tight your a-" She paused to swallow and take a breath. "Spencer... Why am I asking Cooper how tight your ass is?" She finished.

I just shrugged and looked over at Cooper who was in a state of shock. He sat as stiff as a board and he was now the one beet red. "Coop?" I called his name. "Go on. Tell her. Tell her how much of a square I am. How tight of an ass I have... oh, sorry, I mean I am. That's what you guys are saying right? Did I miss interpret your oh so funny jokes?"

Everything escalated rather quickly. We weren't doing our best to keep our voices down and people in the restaurant started looking over at us. In my peripheral vision I even saw one woman speaking to her waiter and pointing in our direction. She didn't look happy.

When Cooper did not respond to me Jessica cut in. "Coop?" She asked. "What's the name of the gir-person you had sex with while in Miami?" Again, she didn't even attempt to be discreet with her question and I am almost certain most of the people around us could hear our conversation.

Cooper slowly turned to me with wide eyes as if asking for help.

"Me, Jess. I'm the person he's gloating about. We fucked." I responded for Cooper, my voice still mellow and calm.

Que the screech heard around the world. "You WHAT?" Jessica's voice echoed throughout iHop, followed by complete silence with all eyes on us. Realizing her sudden outburst, she shyly waved to the other tables mouthing "Sorry" and then her attention was back on Cooper and I.

"Spill it." Jessica demanded in a more hushed voice.

"Here's your check. Thank you for visiting iHop." Our waiter dropped our check on the table, temporarily saving me from Jessica's interrogation.

"What? Dude, I'm not done yet. I still have like three pancakes left to eat!" Cooper finally snapped out of his daze at the thought of his breakfast being cut short.

"I'll have them bag it for you, Sir." The waiter responded in a tone that told us "you're being too loud and we want you to leave."

I looked up to our waiter. "That would be great, thank you."


Cooper was unusually quiet most of the car ride back to his house while I half told Jessica what had occurred in Miami. To be honest, I left a LOT out. I told her it happened once. I didn't mention the porn because knowing her, she'd go looking for it. When she questioned what it all meant, I fed her the same bullshit Cooper and I fed each other... That it was "just us experimenting." She kept giving me a look that told me she had more to say regarding my little confession.

When we pulled into Cooper's driveway, he jumped out of the car before Jessica had time to even put it in park. Jessica looked out the driver's side window towards Cooper's retreating body and when he went inside the house, she turned back to me with sadness in her eyes.

"Spence." She sighed. "Have you and Cooper spoken about what happened?" She asked in a calm but clearly concerned voice.

"Yes, Jess." I assured her. "It was weird at first but we're good now." I paused and took in the expression on her face. She still didn't look satisfied, something was bothering her.

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