Chapter 21. Awkward

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With all our siblings home aside from Cooper's eldest brother John, whom we do not discuss, attending family dinner the first night of their return was mandatory. Neither of us were given a pass to miss it regardless of what was going on. To say it was awkward would be an understatement.

I sat between my sister and Mama Sophia. Papa Ray sat next to his wife with Robert beside him. Cooper was tucked in the middle of Robert and my mother, followed by my father and then my two brothers. Every so often, Mama Sophia would randomly turn slightly in her chair to hug me or rest her hand on my forearm. I noticed my mother providing Cooper with similar endearing touches from time to time. It was clear they missed us seeing as we both kept to our rooms, not seeing each other's mother as often as we had when we would alternate which bedroom to sleep in.

For what would normally be a rowdy bunch, conversation was at an all time low. The sound of clanking dishware and the occasional belch from one of the males in our family, little was said. It was clear everyone was walking on eggshells, avoiding the elephant in the room.

When dinner ended, Cooper and I wasted no time in leaving. Dinner was at my house this evening so I went right up to my room while he made a beeline for the door. The moment we stepped out of the dining room, our siblings could be heard bombarding our parents with questions and concerns.

The remainder of the week was equally as awkward and uncomfortable. I felt like we were in the middle of divorce proceedings, having our siblings split their time between the two of us. They would try to get me to talk about what was going on. It was clear Cooper nor our parents were providing them with any information and after a few tries, it seemed they gave up. Deciding it was better to make the best of the week rather than spending it harping over the feud between Cooper and I.

At work, the week mirrored the week prior. Cooper and I didn't speak, not even once. The only difference this week from last is that I didn't even try. I wasn't sure what more I could say other than pester him on what he meant by "making his next decision that much easier."

I so desperately wanted to know what decision he was referring to but he owes me no explanation. And I know that. So, the days went by like a blur. Nothing eventful happened. Our families continued ignoring the tension that was threatening to ruin our siblings' visit and tried to act normal when I was around. As though I hadn't lost my best friend.

The only thing I had noticed was that Cooper didn't stay cooped up in his room. Almost every night, looking out my window, I noticed he would leave his house for a few hours. Not that I was keeping watch on him or anything. At work, there were two day my Dad even let him leave early. What was he doing?


"Well, well. You're alive!"

I held back from responding bitterly, my hand held tightly to my phone. "Yeah. Well, it's been a tough couple days."

"I called you like a hundred times, Spencer. Are you looking to lose all your friends or just those who call you out on your bullshit?" Jessica asked and it was clear from her tone she was insulted by my lack of communication.

I took a breath in and out controlling my temper. I didn't want to snap at her. I deserved what she was saying but I really didn't want to hear it at the moment.

"Jess." I hushly replied. "I know I'm a dick, ok. And I'm sorry I keep disappointing everyone." My self pity show continued. "It's just. Ugh... never mind. You don't want to hear and neither does Coop."

She laughed on the other side of the phone but not a real 'oh that's funny' laugh but a mocking 'you've got to be kidding me' laugh.

"I feel like I don't even know who I'm talking to. Who is this oblivious, I keep putting my foot in my mouth guy? This isn't like you, Spence. I know you have to see how much of dick you're being. How badly you've hurt Coop. This is Cooper, Spencer! YOUR COOPER!"

"He's not my Cooper, Jess. He's not property."

"You know what I mean. Stop acting like an asshole."

This conversation was sterling off course. I had a reason to call her so I stopped the back and forth and went right for why I called.

"Cooper said something weird to me last we spoke."

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"He said something about making his next decision easier. Or something like that." I paused to listen for any sound she might make in response that would let me believe she knew what I was talking about but I could only hear her breathing. "Do you know what he was talking about?" I had to ask.

There was a long stretch of silence before she replied. "If I did, it wouldn't be right to tell you anything that's going on with him. He's my friend just as much as I am yours. You should try talking to him again, Spencer. Like seriously." I could hear the hint of urgency in her voice which scared me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, hoping she would elaborate.

"Just talk to him, Spence. Try to at least."

He's not going to talk to me and she knew it. Maybe if I saw her in person she might cave and fill me in. "When can I see you?" I asked, shifting the conversation. "I miss you and you never came back after seeing Coop last week."

"I didn't come back because Coop went to see you. I figured you could both use some time alone to talk. Had I known-"

"Ok. I get it." I cut in.

"Well, I'll see you tonight for dinner anyway. Luke and I should be at Coopers around six." She informed me.

"What?" I asked, a bit shocked. It was the last family dinner before my sibling left to go back to college. While Jessica is like family, I'm still surprised she was invited let alone with Luke. Unless...

"Our Mothers." I answered my own question aloud. Jessica hummed in confirmation.

For them to invite our two closest friends to a family dinner, they must be desperate. I'm not sure what they could do to mend the broken relationship between Cooper and I but I was open to it. Any help I could get, I would take.

I just hope it works. 

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