Chapter 3. The Plan: Part 2

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"I'll show you the pictures I sent but you have to promise-"

"That I won't get mad?" I cut him off.

I just asked him to show me the nude pictures he took of me without my knowledge. Pictures he sent to a porn studio and he still has the audacity to ask me to promise not to get mad. What a joke. He's lucky he's still alive.

"Promise." He repeated himself.

"Show me the pictures NOW or I'm telling Mom's and Dad's." I referred to both his parents and mine. Getting all four involved would be the ass whoopin he deserved.

"You wouldn't."

"Try me, Coop! Pictures. Now!" I held out my hand confident he would hand them over.

He extended his hand with his phone to me, after opening his photo gallery. "Just scroll through."

I hastily grabbed the phone from him and with my free hand I pitched the bridge of my nose. "You're telling me they're in your phone's picture gallery? You didn't delete them after sending them or at the very least put them in your hidden folder?"

"Hidden folder?" Cooper responded in confusion.

Ignoring his idiocracy, I began scrolling through his pictures. The first few were pictures of our family and friends, taken during the last few days. About ten pictured in and there I was in all my glory.

The first picture was me fully naked and erect stretching. It was clear I had just gotten out of bed. The picture was grainy but clear enough to see everything. The second was a close up, clear as day of me bending over to put on a pair of boxers. The third I had just put my boxers on; standing tall with my member still at full staff poking through the boxers. I had to admit, I looked good.

I'm not shy to say Cooper and I are good looking guys. Not GQ Magazine good looking, but the rugged outdoors classic good looks kind of good looking. I had light brown hair, long at the top and buzzed at the sides, with blue eyes, a slim muscular build and stood about 5'10. Cooper had dark blond hair, shaggy cut, with hazel eyes, a bulkier muscular build than I and was an inch taller than, at 5"11. However, I had an inch on him where it mattered if you know what I mean...

Cooper went to grab the phone from me but I quickly pulled it away. "Relax, Perv." I spat. "I want to see yours."

"Who's the Perv now?" He retorted.

I just glared up at him from the phone with a knowing look and then went back to the pictures. The next scroll and there was Cooper. And as I kept scrolling there weren't just three but multiple pictures of him nude in various poses. Some made me start laughing which resulted in the phone being snatched from my hands.

"Rude." Cooper commented as he threw his phone on the bed.

"So let me get this straight." I questioned. "You take god knows how many pictures of yourself and choose your top three to send and I get creeping spy-perv, grainy photos?"

"Would you have let me take them and send them any other way?"

"Nope." I popped the P.

"Exactly. So you're welcome." He smiled and I tackled him, sending us both crashing down on the bed.

For the next few minutes we wrestled. We both were equally matched so neither of us ever got the upper hand on the other. This happened often and lasted until we both tired out and gave up.

"You're a dick, you know that right? You can't just go around taking pictures of people naked without them knowing." I spoke a little out of breath. The two of us laid in my bed on our backs trying to calm down after our wrestling match.

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