Chapter 39. Two meddling mothers

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"Don't forget about dinner tomorrow. Your brothers, sister and Robert leave the day after so it's a mandatory dinner." My mom shook a wooden spatula she was holding in her hand as she spoke. "We are having it here so I expect you to help me and Mama Sophia with some of the prep."

"I know Mom." I groaned and rolled my eyes. Like I didn't already know all of this. "I'll be here but why can't Rebecca help you? She's the gir-"

"Don't get snippy with me and just because your sister is a girl doesn't mean she should be in the kitchen cooking. That's a rather sexist comment, young man." My Mom scolded me. "Besides, I like my house and the last time she tried to help she almost burnt the place down. She also doesn't live here anymore. You do, rent free. It's called chores!"

"Sorry." I mumbled and rested my head between my folded arm on the kitchen table.

My Mom sat the wooden spatula down on the counter and sat down at the table. She reached across, resting both her hands on my arms. I looked up with hooded eyes to find her looking at me with troubled ones. "What's going on with you?" She asked. "You've been moping around all day and to be honest, it's depressing the shit out of me. You're out now. I thought the perks of having a gay son would be witty comments and lots of energy."

I lifted my head and raised a brow. "Are you stereotyping Mother?" I replied sarcastically. "After you just nearly cut my head off for suggesting Rebecca could assist with tomorrow nights dinner?"

She removed her hands from my arms and rested them on her chest pretending to be insulted. "I would never and how dare you." She faked sincerity. "I'm just saying, loosen up a little. You're acting like a heartbroken-" It was like something clicked in her mind. "Spencer?" She asked, her tone much more serious.

"You're annoying." I attempted to joke with her again but she just gave me THE look. The look a mother gives her children when she knows something is up.

"Jo'. Guess what? I know I shouldn't be happy about this but I just spoke to Cooper it appears things are-" Mama Sophia came bursting through the front door and into the kitchen blabbering about something but stopped talking the moment she saw me. It was about Cooper and I was curious.

"Mama Sophia!" I greeted her in as loving a manner as any doting almost-her-son would. I then gave her the best set of puppy dog eyes. "Is everything ok with Cooper?" I asked.

Mama Sophia and my Mother exchanged looks. "Spencer, go upstairs. Mama Sophia and I need to talk."

"Don't you two lovely ladies worry about me. Pretend I'm not even here, I don't mind." It was a bad attempt but I had to try.

"Sophia." My Mom ignored my comment. "Have you noticed Spencer seems a bit down?" Oh no. This woman.

"Actually, I have." Mama Sophia replied and then sat at the table. I now had four motherly eyes on me.

"I think he's in love. Possibly heart broken." My Mom commented.

"Ok. Ok. I'm leaving." I began to get up but Mama Sophia took my mothers words to heart and held my forearm, preventing me from escaping.

"Well it can't be that witch Vicky. You're gay. So..." she trailed off and then, "you've finally realized it hasn't you!"

"Ok!" I protested. "I am officially leaving now." I went to leave but turned to add, "I expected this from my Mom but you, Mama Sophia. I am disappointed." They both laughed at me and I couldn't hold back the grind that tugged at the sides of my lips. I may be a hot mess but no matter what, I knew I was loved and I was thankful to have not one but two mother figures in my life... Regardless of how intrusive they can be sometimes.

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