Chapter 3

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Mark finished in the studio head upstairs to see Mr. Heart sitting on his couch. 'What are you doing here, Mr. Heart, in my house?' Mark asked as he crossed his arms and stayed calm. Mr. Heart got up from the couch and walked toward the door" I just came here to apologize to her, but she told me that I should apologize to my son," Mr. Heart said as he stopped at the door.

Mark uncrossed his arm and didn't use his fist "you should listen to your daughter," Mark said as he watched Mr. Heart walk out the door. Soon Mask's phone started to ring on the coffee table, and piche ked it up to see on the screen it was a text from Josh that said 'Come to Angel and Cameron's place" Mark texted back, "I will be there soon" as he grabs his car keys and locks the front door.

Mark unlocked the car, got in, closed the door, and turned on the engine. Mark pulled out of the driveway heading toward Angel and Cameron's house. Josh couldn't believe that he was right about Quinn. "I can't believe that Quinn has been alive this whole time," Josh said as he tried to wrap his head around Quinn being Black. Cameron sat down beside Josh "yeah, it's a lot to take in," Cameron said as he moved the file away from Josh.

Then soon, Mark pulls up into the driveway. He turns off the engine, unlocks the door, and gets out of the car. Mark walked toward the front door, locked the car, opened the door, placed his car key on the side table, and headed to the study room to find Cameron and Josh sitting on the couch. "Guys look like you've seen a ghost," Mark said as he sat down on the chair.

Cameron gave him the file. "It the ghost is Quinn, who is alive," Cameron said as Mark placed the file on the table and ran his fingers through his hair " I need to tell Ale,x," Mark said as he pulled out his phone. Josh got up from the couch, grabbed his best friend's phone, and threw it on the sofa "what the hell, Josh' Mark said as he got from the chair.

"You can't tell Alex because she believes that her sister is dead, and the best thing is to keep it between the three of us," Josh said, as he knew that Mark would hate ideas. Josh grabs Mark's phone off the couch and returns it to Mark. "That all want me to hear, or do you have more on the case,e," Mark asked as he looked at the whiteboard.

Cameron walks to the computer table and pulls out a birth certificate with photos of Mrs. King and Mr. Heart fighting about something. She gave birth to a baby girl two months before her death, Cameron said as he placed them on the whiteboard. Mark and Josh walk toward Cameron ''wait, so my mother was pregnant. That can't be right," Mark said as he tried not to believe it was true.

Josh looked at the certificate back at Cameron "that was five years ago, when the kid knew if she was still alive or dead," Josh asked as he sat down at the computer's chair and a leg on the table. Cameron pushes Josh's leg off the table 'I don't know, but maybe some got rid of the baby," Cameron said as he Mark, who was about to punch a wall but soon Angel came back " Cameron, I see that my brother's car park front' Angel said as she closed the door and hanging up her jacket.

Angel heads to the study room to find Cameron, Mark, and Josh "hey brother, what brought you out here?' Angel asked as she sat down on the couch and started some chocolate. Mark looked at his sister "it's a funny story, I came to see you, talk to you about your album' s party" Mark said as he kept the truth from her.

Angel smiled at her brother and kicked her leg on the table "awesome, and I found a place," Angel said as she tried to be helpful to her brother.r "Ok, What name of this place," Mark asked as he leaned on the couch.

Angel puts the bowl of chocolate down. "It was called the Midnight Light Club' she replies as Mark and Josh realize they were there last night. Mark moved away from the couch and looked at Cameron back at his sister. 'I need work, something besides Josh can go talk to the owner," Mark said as he messed up Josh's hair with his hand.

Josh looked up at Mark "sure, and I can do it for you," Josh said as he smiled, and Angel didn't say anything, just left the study. Josh got up from the chair and looked at Mark "she is acting weird beside, can stop by the Midnight Light Club after fished at Ruby's bakery," Josh said as he smiled at Mark and slowly walked away from them.

Mark looks at his phone and looks at a picture of him and his mother holding Angel in her arms. He had always hated my father as he blocked his number on his phone. Mr. King stands in front of the fireplace and thinks about that child. He wants to finish the job for good. 

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