Chapter 10

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Quinn made it to Mark's studio which was in his house. She rocks at the basement door. Josh unlocked the door and opened it.

Quinn placed her bag down on the floor beside the chairs "so where do you want me to start?' Quinn asked as she looked at Josh, who wanted an answer. Josh took a breath "how about the night of the car crash" he answers as he knows it was going hard for her.

Quinn sig looks out at the widow "ok tell you to want to happen that night," Quinn says as she starts to remember that night.

Flashback to the night of the car crash.

Young Quinn and young Alex are waiting for their dad in the rain. "Why are you mad at me?" Quinn asked as her sister put on headphones and blocked out. Soon their dad pulls up in front of them.

Alex opened the front seat and closed it behind her "so, how's your day, girls' Mr. Heart asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

Quinn smiles at her father. ''It was good; I made it on the cheerleading team," Quinn said as she kicked her foot at Alex's seat. Mr.Heart looks through his mirror 'that amazon Quinn' Mr.Heart says as he is proud of his daughter.

Alex took off her headphone "can stop kicking my seat' Alex said as she looked back at her sister. Mr. Heart looks at his daughter, but soon, a car comes crashing into their vehicle. The car started rolling down the hill and stopped upside down.

Quinn slowly opened her eyes to see her sister and her father "Alex, wake up, please' Quinn said as she tried to wake her up and saw the blood in her stomach.

Quinn took off her scarf from her neck and placed it on her stomach, tired with a clip. She looks over at her father, raised in front of the steering wheel. Quinn looks around the car to find a small creek window on the driver's side of the vehicle.

She kicked the window out of the door until it broke enough to get through it. Quinn started walking up the hill but did not notice the blood on her hand and wound. Quinn reached the top ridge to see a car driving toward her.

The car stopped in front of her, and the driver came out of the vehicle. 'Are you ok?' the driver asked as Quinn pointed down at the car and passed out from blood loss.

Soon after, Quinn slowly opened her eyes to the fact that she was in a hospital room "where my sister and my father, Quinn asked as she tried to get out of bed.

The doctor pushed her back in the bed "you need to stay in bed. Don't open your stitches, your family. I'm sure about it because only one was brought here,' the doctor said as Quinn felt heartbroken in millions of pieces.

A few days after the crash,    Quinn finally was able to leave the hospital; she decided to head home, but when she arrived at the house, finds Alex alive. Quinn looks out the window to see the funeral service sign with her name.

 End of flashback

Josh slowly starts to understand little bits. Quinn wipes away her checks. "It's hard for me to bring it up," she said as she held onto her necklaces. Josh leans back in his chair "how close you and Steve were? Josh asked, as he won't make up with his boyfriend.

Quinn pulled out her wallet with a picture of the two they together gave to Josh "we were a little closer than Alex and me," Quinn said as she could, that he cared about him.

Josh placed the picture on the table and started crying and felt guilty. "I messed up with Steve from liar the truth' Josh said as he cried into Quinn's chest.

Quinn wraps her arm around his neck "one thing I know about Steve is that he is a forgiving person Quinn says as she comforts Josh about his broken up with Steve.

Josh lifted his head from her chest and slowly looked at Quinn. "You get drinks," Josh asked as he grabbed his jacket off Quinn nodded her head and followed Josh out of the studio.

Steve looked to see Chloe walking toward him "hey, where is Alex? She was on the dance floor the next second. She has gone," Chloe asked, worrying about her best friend. Steve was drunk to answer but saw the VIP sign start walking down the back hall too often at the end hallway.

Chloe slowly opens the door enough to see her best friend unconscious on the couch. Chloe steps back from the door, kicks it open, grabs the guy, and throws him off.

Chloe helps Alex off the couch and turns to see that it is Asher "stay away from us, or next time I will put you in the ground," Chloe threatens her brother.

Mark could stop thinking about Alex's past with Asher but didn't tell the whole story.

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