Chapter 17

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Steve doesn't know what to say to Quinn 'It's been so long' Steve said as his tears fall down his face. Quinn looked away from Steve 'I'm sorry for causing pain toward you' Quinn said as tears came down her face. Steve pulled her close, hugging her so tight 'It is not that, it's alive that all it matters' Steve said as comfort Quinn his arm.

Steve let go of Quinn 'you alway have a way to cheer up' Quinn said as she felt better.Steve saw the paper in her bag 'what are you doing with that file?' Steve asked as he took out the file from her bag. Quinn took the files from Steve's hand 'I stole my mother's files from the hospital to get information on my mother' Quinn said as she placed the file back in her bag.

Steve pulled Quinn toward the allway so no one could see them 'are your crazy stolen' Steve said as he tried to calm down. Quinn placed her hand in her jacket 'first thing I made copies from original files, second thing I returned original files not long ago' Quinn said as started walking away from Steve. Steve was just happy that he could clear the air with his best friend.

Then Steve heads back to the townhouse to find Alex passed out and sleeps on the couch. Chole sat in the kitchen letting Alex sleep 'I hear what happened with Alex' Steve said as sat down across from Chloe. Chloe sig looked at Steve "she needs time to heal from psychopath brother" Chloe said as she got up from the chair, headed to her bedroom 'yeah right good night' Steve said as he watched Chloe leaving the kitchen. Steve walked toward the couch, placed his hand through Alex's hair and headed to the bed.

Mark and Josh arrive at Mark's house. Mark unlocked the door, he placed the small box on the kitchen's table "it's weird that a woman died after she gave this flash drive" Mark said as he looked down at the flash drive. Josh stood across the island table 'maybe we see what on it' Josh said as he opened the laptop that was sitting on the island.

Josh grabbed the flash driver out of Mark's hand and stuck it in the laptop ' I think we should give it to Jason and not look at it' Mark said as he thought it was not a good idea. Josh turned to Mark 'that's true but I will look at it' Josh said as he turned back to the laptop where it finished downloading. Josh open the file to see images of womens in torture room been chain up to the wall.

Josh threw up in the sink after seeing photos of 'that guy is sick' Josh said as he wiped off the vomlet from his mouth. Mark pulled out the flash driver from the laptop 'yeah right best thing is driver stay somewhere stay' Mark said as look down at the flash driver.

The next day

Alex left her friend's townhouse, when Steve and Chloe were still asleep, knowing it was Angel's album party tonight but knew that she needed someone right now. Alex stops by Angel's place, knocks on the door with no answer. Alex opened the door, walked in the house to find Angel sitting on the couch with food on the table.

Alex threw the blanks off Angel's 'you need get off the couch go take a shower because we have a busy today' Alex said as Angel slowly got up from the couch and headed toward the bathroom. Angel turned back to Alex 'thanks for coming over' Angel said as she smiled at Alex and turned away. Alex picked up trash from the table and threw it into the trash bin.

Then Alex looks over at a picture of young Mark and Angel 'cute' Alex said as she walks toward the kitchen. She poured a cup of tea waiting for Angel. Angel came out from the bathroom wearing a housecoat 'can you pour me one' Angel said as she sat down at the table. Alex poured a cup of tea for Angel.

Alex feels bad for Angel going through this alone 'you know that I'm here also your brother has your back' Alex said as she placed her hand on her hand. Angel smiled at Alex and pulled her in for a hug. 'Thank you, I really need that' Angel said as let go of Alex. Alex stood against the wall ' well it's no problem beside we have all day to get ready for tonight' Alex said as she put the bag on the table.

Angel finished her tea, got up from her chair and walked toward the bedroom 'ok let just get started' Angel said as she turned to Alex, she grabbed the bag off the table and followed Angel.

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