Chapter 13

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Mark looks at Asher and keeps his jealousy inside of him. "Ok, how much percent do you want from it?" Mark asked as he leant back to his chair and looked over at the phone and back at Asher. Asher looked at Mark and placed his hand in his jacket "Let say about 50 percent" Asher said as he thought it was a good deal but didn't think that Mark would go for a deal.

Mark moved forward in his chair toward Asher ' no that works for me but how about 20 percent" Mark said as he tried to make a better deal that made him less worried. Asher signed "ok fine take 30 percent" Asher said as he shook Mark's hand with a deal. Asher got up from his chair and slowly walked away from Mark and walked out from the back door.

Asher heads back to Midnight Light club to get some work out of the way. Mark heads upstairs to hear the shower running but notices the flash drive on the table so he grabs it. Mark looked over at his whiteboard that it had been a while so he decided to put Skyler's picture on the whiteboard adding question marks at the end of her name.

Mark still felt like he was missing his mother's case. Then soon there was a knock at the door, Mark placed a flash drive in the drawer and walked toward the door. It was Jason "It was easy to find your house' Jason said as let himself in the house.

Mark closed the door even after Jason came into the house " what do you want Jason?" Mark asked as he wanted to throw him out of his house but hear his reason first. Jason pulled out a rolled-up of papers "I went to the morgue and checked up something' Jason said as he gave the papers to Mark.

An hour earlier at the City's morgue

Jason walks through the morgue to find Dr. Matrey stitching a body back up "yo doctor,' Jason said as he got Dr. Matrey's attention. Dr. Matrey looked up to see detective Jason ''what can help you with the detective? '' Dr. Matrey asked as he took off the gloves. Jason gave Dr. Matrey the autopsy files of Mrs. King' The king's Muder but why are you going through it?' Dr. Matrey asked as he placed the file on the deck.

Jason opened the field in front of Dr.Matrey "I know that this case is a cold one but it is our job to help the family get justice" Jason said as he tried to convince Dr. Matrey. Dr. Matrey looked at Jason "follow me, detective, these are notes but the doctor thought it didn't need to be on the report' Dr. Matrey said as he opened the drawer and gave the papers to the detective.

Mark looked down at the papers and placed them down on the table " I thought you were just a drunk detective," Mark said as he looked at Jason and punched his arm. Jason pulled out his flanks and opened it "wow those nieces but I'm good at my job" Jason said as he looked at Mark's whiteboard to see Quinn's picture.

Jason took a sip from his flank and took a few seconds at all, evident that he was funded. Jason looks away from the whiteboard "thought about being a detective or private investigator?' Jason asked as he looked at Mark who was gifted. Mark sat down on the chair "It

Never crossed my mind but this only case wanted to be solved' Mark said as he looked at his mother's photos.

Angel was looking at her cover of the Christmas album. Soon Cameron came into the kitchen ready to leave the house. "Hey baby, I need to get up now,'' Cameron said as he was about to leave but Angel grabbed his arm "I need you to sit down, they're something I need to tell you' Angel said as she looked at Cameron.

Cameron sat down and looked at Angel "what going on" Cameron asked as he rubbed his thumb on her hand. Angel took a deep breath and looked at Cameron ' I'm pregnant Angel said as Cameron slowly got from the chair and didn't know how to react. Cameron was lost for words "I need to get some air' Cameron said as he walked out of the house. Angel started to cry after seeing Cameron walking out of the house after she told him the news.

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