Chapter 24

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Alex noticed the snowfall down 'big sis, it is so pretty' Skylar said as she was amazed by the snowfall. Steve walks back to Alex carrying the tray of hot drinks. Steve sat down on the bench beside Alex.

Skylar grabbed her hot chocolate from the tray 'thank you Steve' Skylar said as she smiled at Steve.

Alex and Steve just watch Skylar play in the snow just look happy, 'I'm hoping that she likes Quinn' Alex said as she held her hot tea in her hand. Steve agreed that 'you need not worry about that because she will love her' Steve said as he slowly got up from the bench and walked toward Skylar.

Alex walked toward Steve and Skylar but felt like someone was following them ' hey let's head back to the bakery' Alex said as she stood closer to Skylar. 'Ok we can find Quinn another day without Skylar' Steve said as he was surprised that she changed her mind.

Then soon they walk back to ruby's bakery but do not notice Asher following them.

Quinn noticed that Mark was still here 'I thought you left with Cameron' Quinn said as she had felt that he was avoiding someone. Mark tried to ignore Quinn as he read Skylar's foster care file that Jason gave him 'I am working on something so can you leave' Mark said as he wanted to get back to the file but Quinn grabbed it from him.

So reading Skylar's foster record was boring to me' Quinn threw the file back to him. The record went flying everywhere 'I didn't get why you lied to your family' Mark asked as he picked up the paper and placed them back in the flies.

Quinn was about to slap around his face but stop herself 'I don't want them to suffer anymore' she said moving her hand to the side. Jason stood beside Mark just watching Quinn walk out of the station. 'Thanks, man for Skylar's foster record,' Mark said as he shook Jason's hand.

Jason smiled at Mark 'it's no problem besides we friends' Jason said as he wanted to show that he is a friend, not a drunk detective.

Then Mark heads out of the station and hopes to still catch up with Quinn.

Mark unlocked this car and opened the driver's door but noticed some things on the passenger side. Mark opens the paper to see Asher's bank record getting money from his father's account. He put paper in the file so as to not lose it. Soon he drove off from the police station.

Alex opens the backdoor, closing it behind her. Alex and Steve walk toward the front of the bakery to find Josh and Angel 'hey guy what brings you guys here' Alex asked as she sat on the stairs.

Angel smiled 'I just heard cupcakes are good besides that want to see if Skylar wants a sleepover at my place?'Angel as Skylar sat beside Angel. Skylar looked at Alex giving the puppy's eye 'that cool with me besides needing back my painting' Alex said as she had that she would be safe there.

Skylar was so happy she jumped into Alex's arm 'thanks big sis you are best' Skylar said as she felt warm inside. Skylar let Alex go, walked over to Angel 'I think we head back to my place but maybe Alex would want to go get brunch tomorrow just girls' Angel said as she wanted to spend time with her future sister-in-law.

Alex smiled at Angel 'yeah sounds nice see you tomorrow' Alex said as would be good ideas and get her advice. Angel slowly got up from the chair and smiled back at Alex 'great see you tomorrow around eleven Angel said as she walked out of the bakery and held Skyler's hand.

Josh notices his sister heading up the stairs. 'I'm going to work on some sketches ideas' Alex said as she wanted some peace and quiet. Steve walked closer toward his boyfriend 'want to get some food?' Steve asked as he placed his arm on his shoulder.

Josh looked at Steve 'sure just be nice' Josh said as he needed some time just with his boyfriend.

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