Chapter 19

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Quinn was standing outside the bus stop waiting for someone to come out. A guy with red hair stood in front of Quinn not knowing she was behind him 'hey it's been a long time, Cole' Quinn said as Cole felt chills down his body.

Cole turns around to see Quinn. 'Are you a ghost haunting me?' Cole asked as he waved his hand in front of Quinn's face. Quinn moved his hand away from her face 'No i'm not a ghost if a ghost would haunt you to your grave' Quinn said as she scared Cole out of his skin.

Quinn laughs 'I'm joking man beside remember that favourite you owe' Quinn said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Cole tried to remember the favourite 'how about we go in stay' Cole said as they head inside to get out of the cold. 'So want something from me?' Cole asked to turn the light ficken on.

Quinn opens her bag and pulls out a notepad. 'I need you to hack my mother's hospital file' Quinn said as she sat down and kicked her feet up on the deck. Cole started hacking into the file that was Quinn's mother 'ok but after this we are even' Cole said as put the hard drive into the computer. After a few minutes downloading, Quinn pulled out the driver from the computer.

Angel tried to see everyone who came tonight but looked over at Josh 'you've been very quiet' Angel said as stand beside him. Josh smiled and placed his beer down. 'I have a lot on my mind,' Josh said as he pulled out a lighter from his pocket. Josh slowly walks away from Angel to get some fresh air. Alex could see that Asher was watching her.

Chloe looks through the crown and tries to see Scott but no luck 'hey you looking for Scott?' Alex asked as she leaned on her shoulder. Chloe smiled at Alex 'yes but keep my distance from him' Chloe said as she tried not to look at her brother. 'Beside I need a few drinks to survive this' Chloe said as she grabbed a full glass.

Alex walks toward Angel and Mark but Asher grabs her wrist, she tries to break from his grip 'let me go Asher' Alex said as she tries to stay calm. Asher's creepy smile at Alex 'maybe we can talk somewhere quiet' Asher said as he ran his hand through her hair.

Alex felt powerless in her situation, so she used her high heel step on his foot until his grip was loose enough to get her wrist free. Alex decides to leave the Midnight Light Club without telling anyone. Quinn walks down the street but sees the crown toward the Midnight Light Club. She just walked past it, placing headphones on to block out the sound around her. She made way back to her apartment to get a look at the rest of her mother's file from the flash drive. Chloe was focused on her drinking and did not see her best friend leaving the club. 

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