Chapter 27

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Alex noticed that it stopped snowing last night, so she headed out to take out her sketchbook in her bag 'hey Alex, wait up,' Scott shouted as he caught up with her.

'Hey, Scott, what up' Alex said as she thought it was fun and surprised. 'If you saw Chloe because she wanted to talk to me about things last night but didn't show up,' Scott said as he worried about her. Alex could tell that Scott was concerned, but now she felt worried too. 'I remember last night that she went to the church,' Alex said as she gave a little bit of help to Scott.

Scott smiled at Alex 'thank Alex but if you see her, call me,' Scott said as he walked away from Alex. Alex turns away from Scott and continues walking to Angel's house to have brunch. A car started honking to try to get her attention.

The car pulled over 'can you stop honking, jerk' Alex said as she walked up to the car's windows. The car's window slowly pulled down as the driver ' in the car,' Asher said as he pointed the gun at the passenger seat.

Alex slowly opens the car's door getting in 'what do you want from me, Asher?' Alex asked as she looked at him with fear in her eyes. Asher put the gun down as he started driving, not answering her question until he pulled up to an empty building. 'I want two million dollars, ' Asher responded as he got out of the car.

'I didn't have two million dollars,' Alex said as she got out of the car. 'You need to find a way to get that money because if you don't get the money, they will die,' Asher said as he showed Chloe being hurt by a knife so many times 'stop, can't watch this,' Alex said as she looked away from the video.

Asher closed the laptop 'you have twenty-four hours to get the money, or they die,' Asher said as he walked away from her and drove off. Alex didn't know where to get two million but didn't know who asked for the money.

Scott headed to the church but decided to call her cell phone. Scott waited until he could hear Chloe's cell phone ring and started walking to the ring but found it on the ground.

Alex heads back to her father's house and up the stairs to her room. Then after having no luck, Alex didn't want to ask for the money, but it was the only way to get them.

Soon Alex's phone started ringing, she pulled out from her bag it was Scott 'Alex, I think something happened to Chloe' Scott said as he held Chloe's phone in his hand. 'Yeah, right about that,' Alex answered as she didn't want to know what was happening.

'I think I should get back my painting,' Alex said as she hung up on Scott. Alex knew that Steve would help me, but she looked at the clock and felt scared for them.

Steve stood at the fireplace holding his mug in his hand but heard the door slamming and closing 'really again,' Steve said as it was Alex in tears. Alex said,  'I need your help as she walked toward Steve.

'What's going on, Alex?'Steve asked as he walked toward Alex to the couch and gave her a tissue. 'I got in a car with Asher, who had a gun but showed a video of Chloe being in pain, and I have twenty-four,' Alex said as she wiped away her tears.

Steve looks over his shoulder to Mark and Josh, who wants to murder Asher 'so twenty-four for what?' Steve asked as he looked back at Alex. Alex took a breath. 'To get two million dollars or he will kill them,' she said as she felt she had failed them.

Mark stood behind the couch. 'I can help you with money,' Mark said as Alex turned to Mark. 'I know I'm being a jerk to you for lying but let me do this for you,' Mark said as he kindly apologized to Alex. Alex finally could breathe 'thank you, also accept apologies,' Alex said as she took time though he only tried to protect me.

Mark heads out of Steve and Chloe's townhouse to get money for Alex. Alex lays down on the couch to breathe from all the crazy. Then she remembers that Asher says, 'they will die. Alex realizes that he has Skylar too.

'Why do you think that Asher would hurt Angel or Skylar?' Josh asked as he grabbed his jacket and started to worry about it too. Steve sat on the edge of the couch and looked at Alex 'ok, Josh will head out, and I will stay here,' Steve said as he thought it was the best plan.

Josh nods and heads out the door, worried for Angel and Skylar.

Then soon Josh ran into Scott on the street ' hey Josh, where is Chloe' Scott asked as he followed Josh. 'I will tell you what is going on when we get to Angel's house,' Josh said as he wanted to get there faster. Scott took his word, followed him and got an answer about his girlfriend.

Angel looks in the mirror at the scar she got from the gun. She headed down the stairs, poured a cup of tea and sat on the couch but heard an aggressive knock on the door. As Angel got up from the sofa, but Cameron got to the front door and opened it. Josh and Scott were out of breath. 

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