Chapter 29

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Alex heads back to the house where Steve is waiting for her, 'I feel you would see Quinn before you meet with Asher,' Steve said as they walked together to her house. Steve and Alex arrive at the place to find the other chills in the living room.

'Hey, are you good?' Josh asked as he saw that his sister was dealing with something wrong. Alex looked at Josh. 'I finally see Quinn, and she doesn't want to see me,' Alex said as she dealt with it later and headed to the kitchen. Steve stood with Josh 'so who should go with Alex' Steve asked as he thought it would be good for her to have a backup.

'I think It should be Scott because Asher doesn't see him as a threat,' Cameron said as he put his hand in his jacket. Scott walks toward the duffle bag to pick it up, but Steve grabs it before Scott. 'No, it should be me because I'm her friend,' Steve said as he wanted to go with Alex.

Steve kept pulling the duffle bag 'you two stop where there's. No time for fighting,' Josh said as Cameron pulled Scott back. Cameron let go of Scott 'yeah, right,  sorry, man,' Scott said as he was stressed over things. Mark could place the bag away from them.

'How about both of you go with Alex because better than you two getting heads off,' Mark said as he wanted to solve the fight. Alex looks over at Mark, who turns more courageous. Then she sent Asher a message that she had the money.

Then she got an answer that read, 'abandon building' Alex placed her phone in her jacket. Alex headed back into the living room. 'I just heard back from Asher, ' Alex said as she stood beside Mark.

Scott and Steve grab one strip of the duffle bag and carry it to the car. Alex follows the guys to the car. 'Thanks, guys, but two will stay in the car when trading happens,' Alex said as she wanted Scott and Steve to follow her lead. Scott and Steve agree with her information.

Asher sat in his car with a gun in his hand, Chloe and Skylar sitting in the backseat 'what is your plan after this, brother?' Chloe asked as she held Skylar in her arms. Asher adjusted his rearview mirror toward Chloe 'it's all part of my plan,' Asher said as he turned toward them with a gun pointed at them.

Chloe wanted to grab the gun from his hand but worried that the gun would go off in the car. Then he moves his hand with the gun away from them, turns on the engine and heads to the meeting spot from the trade-off.

Skylar looked up at Chloe. 'It will be all over when we meet up with your big sister,' Chloe said to keep Skylar calm and relaxed.

Quinn stops by The Midnight Light Club after seeing the business card in photos from the flash drive. 'Hey, do anything about your boss having a torture room?' Quinn asked a female bartender. The bartender didn't say anything but noticed the mark on her neck and turned around to see the rest of the staff. ' 'I just want help,'' Quinn said as she placed her hand on the female bartender's hand.

'He has a warehouse by the dock,' the female bartender said as she trussed Quinn that she could help us. Quinn smiled at the bartender and walked away from her 'thank you, she said as head out of the club.

Quinn arrives at the dock, where she finds the warehouse. She took out her knife and picked to unlock the door. After she opened the door, headed inside, turned on the light and started taking photos of everything in the torture room and sent them to Jason.

Alex led again to the car door, just waiting for Asher to show up 'just want to get things done with,' she said as she looked at Steve and Scott. Steve got out of the car. 'I understand, me too, and Mr. Perfect wants to kill him,' Steve said as he pointed at Scott.

'You know that can hear you,' Scott said as he knew Steve was right about that.

Then Asher's car pulled up from the other direction and turned off the engine. He got out of the car and walked toward Alex with a gun still in his hand. 'I say come alone; why are they here? Asher asked, as he was mad about it.

'They find out because I ran into them also. They are not a threat,' Alex said as she stood her ground. Asher looked over her shoulder and took her word for it 'ok. You have the money?'Asher asks as Alex returns to the car to grab the duffle bag from the backseat.

Asher reached toward the duffle bag 'I not until you give me Skylar and Chloe first,' Alex said as they held back the duffle bag from him. Asher walked back to the car and opened the backseat door as Chloe and Skylar slowly got out of the vehicle.

'Now, you give me the money before I lose my patience,' Asher said as he was ready to shoot Chloe. Alex slowly-slowly walks toward Asher and drops the duffle bag at his feet, letting Chloe and Skylar run to Scott and Steve.

Asher threw the duffle bag into the car, and Alex was shot in the leg. 'Sorry, it had to end thiswaya. II did love you,' Asher said as she pointed the gun at her face, but Jason showed up and knocked Asher to the ground. Jason arrests Asher's head down at the police station.

At the hospital

Mark got word from Scott that they were at the hospital 'hey, are you? Mark asked as he saw the blood on Alex's leg. 'I am fine, just one bullet in my leg,' Alex said to try to calm Mark's worries.

Alex heads to Chloe's hospital room with a cutting mark that needs to be taken care of 'hey, want some more company' Alex asked as Scott held her hand. Chloe laughed at Alex 'you know that would want you here,' Chloe said. Alex entered the room and sat at the end of her bed. 'I am sorry that you thought she said she felt guilty for suffering from Asher. Chloe placed her hand on her. 'It is not your fault,' Chloe said as she knew what all Asher was doing.

'I will you rest because I need to see how Skylar is doing,' Alex said as she got up from the bed and headed out of the room. Mark stood behind Alex and kissed her head. 'Skylar is fine. Just sleep with Angel, who showed up after Cameron told her,' Mark said as Alex felt like they could breathe after that news.

Alex thought her sister needed to try to fix their relationship 'let's go home tired after this crazies, ' Alex said as she looked at Mark.

Mark kissed her head 'yeah, let's go home,' he said as they headed out of the hospital.

Jason took Asher to the interrogation room and placed him in the chair, still handcuffed 'you nice man who enjoys murdering his female staff also you nice torture room,' Jason said as shown a picture of the bartender that he killed and photos of his torture room that he got it from Quinn.

One Month Later

In the prison where Asher is being held, 'he will not talk about Mr. King or anything else,' Jason said as he looked through the glass. Jason walked away from the mirror to find Quinn with a file in her hand 'you know don't need work; I erase your records,' Jason said as she grabbed his jacket and pulled him for a kiss.

Quinn let go of his jacket, gave the files in his hand and walked away from Jason.

Alex and Chloe stood outside of the Midnight Light Club 'so you are the boss now of this place,' Alex said as they headed inside the club and went behind the bar to grab two glasses 'it's nice,' Chloe said as poured the whisky 'here not to have deal with Asher' Chloe said as she was happy that he is going rot in prison. They clinked their glass and drank the whisky. Alex felt it wouldn't be the last time we would see Asher again.

Back in the hospital

The nurse was doing her rounds checks on the coma patience when she entered Rebecca's room. Rebecca started waking up, remembering everything that had happened and wanting revenge on Alex Heart. 

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