Chapter 26

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Josh and Steve had a nice dinner, but now they walk back to Steve's townhouse. As they walked through the street, 'Josh,' Mr. Heart shouted as Josh stopped walking to see his father a few feet from him.

Josh placed his hand in his pocket 'what do you want, dad?' Josh asked as he didn't make eye contact with his father. Mr. Heart could tell that Josh still hated him. 'I want to apologize to you for what say I after I found out that you're are gay,' Mr. Heart said as he looked at his son.

Steve stood by Josh's side and could tell that Mr. Heart wanted to try to fix their relationship 'dad needs you to understand that it takes time for me,' Josh said as he looked at his father and walked away from him.

Cameron decided to face Angel after the stormed out of the house finally. He made it to Angel's house but noticed the front door was wide open, so he ran inside to find broken glass on the floor. Cameron closed the front door and continued walking toward the living room but found Angel bleeding from her head 'hey babe, wake up please,' Cameron said as he placed a hand through her hair.

Angel slowly opened her eyes to see Cameron 'Cameron, is that you?' Angel asked as she placed a hand on his face 'yeah, me,' Cameron said as he kissed her hand. Cameron helped Angel up from the floor 'what happened here? Cameron asked as he wanted to know who hurt his girl.

Angel tried to remember what happened. 'I remember coming down the stairs, but everything went dark,' Angel said as she felt useless. Cameron looked at Angel 'hey, it is not your fault. We'll figure it out tomorrow,' Cameron said as he helped her to the bedroom.

Mark arrived at Chloe and Steve's townhouse waiting on the porch for fifteen minutes. Then after fifteen minutes,  Steve and Josh walked up to the house but were surprised to see Mark sitting on the patio.

Steve walked up to the front door. 'I thought you see Alex apologize to her,' Steve said as he unlocked the door. Mark walked through the front door. 'I was going to, but my father showed up unannounced,' Mark said as he still thought about Alex.

Josh closed the door behind him 'what did he want from you?'Josh asked as he leaned on the wall. 'He knows about my sister being pregnant and also asked about his partnership with Asher, too,' Mark answered as he looked at Josh and Steve.

Josh walked closer to the fireplace. 'I'm guessing pissed off that you didn't tell him,' Josh said as he knew how he reacted. Steve sat down on the couch and looked at Mark 'what about his partnership with Asher?' he asked as he was curious about it. 'My father pays Asher to do a job that can get dirt,' Mark said as Steve thought it made sense with personality.

'So I was right about him being a psychopath,' Josh said as he felt confident. 'Maybe I could talk to Chloe about her brother because she would know more,' Mark said as he hoped she was in the house.

Steve looks at Mark 'Chloe says that she will be staying with Scott for the night, but we can talk to her tomorrow,' Steve answered as he felt terrible not being able to help. 'it's cool, it's alright I crash on your couch for the night Mark asked as he felt tired from his day.

Steve placed his hand on his shoulder 'yeah, it's alright, friend,' Steve said as he got up from the couch and headed up to the bedroom with Josh following him. Mark lay down on the sofa and thought about Alex slowly feeling sleepy.

Chloe slowly opens her eyes to see chains on the walls and notices that she can't move her arms or legs ', hello someone help me!' Chloe shouted as she tried to get someone's attention. Then the door opened. It was Skylar crying and her brother 'Asher can you help me' Chloe asked as she pulled on the chains, but he started setting up a camera.

'I will not help you bitch. Besides, you are part of my plan,' Asher said as he grabbed his sister's neck. Chloe looked down at Skylar ' please don't hurt her,' she said as her brother let go of her neck 'i won't hurt any hairs on her,' Asher said as he touched her cheek.

Skylar ran to Chloe to hug her. 'I'm scared, Chloe, ' Skylar said as she looked up at Chloe with tears falling from her eyes 'Skylar can promise me that bravery for me,' Chloe said as she wished she could hold her. Skylar nodded her head. 'I can promise that,' Skylar said as she pulled away from Chloe and out of the room.

Asher picks up the knife off the table 'let's have some fun,' Asher says as he walks her closer to Chloe and turns on the camera. Then Chloe started screaming at the knife slices but couldn't do anything as the camera recorded all her pain. 

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