~twenty eight~

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"Where are you going?" Chan asked, watching Jisung put on his shoes. He had on a black bucket hat, a brownish button-up, and some black jeans. More simply put, Chan thought he looked adorable, not that it said much since he pretty much always thought that.

"I'm going for a walk," Jisung explained briefly, grabbing the notebook that he usually wrote all of his lyrics in and his phone.

"Can I go with you? I'll help you write if that's what you were gonna go do." Chan offered, scared that the younger would end up stressing himself out again.

"Thank you but I really want to be able to write stuff on my own. You already have your own stuff to work on. I promise I'll be home before 11." Jisung said, showing Chan a small smile in an attempt to convince him that he was okay.

"Text or call me if you need anything," Chan said, trying not to frown at the fact that Jisung didn't want him to go with him.

"Okay," Jisung responded and was about to rush out of the door but got pulled back by Chan who quickly kissed his forehead.

"Stop doing stuff like that," Jisung laughed softly, thinking that Chan was only doing it to make fun of him for the whole 'goodnight kiss' incident that happened when he was drunk.


Jisung slowly made his way to the doors of the cafe, he was kind of scared considering that he was not only going behind Chan's back right now but also because he hadn't even told Changbin that he was doing so.

He could also very easily slip up and give away that he was Jisung but he figured that as long as they didn't speak to each other that much he would be fine. Also, the fact that speaking to Minho in person was much different than in text...and in more ways than Jisung could even begin to explain.

He slowly walked into the cafe, immedietly noticing Minho who was standing at his usual spot behind the counter. Jisung decided to sit in the same seat he sat in last time.

There were a few other people in the cafe but they were all sitting far away from the counter, either studying or playing with one of the cats, minding their own business.

"Hi," Jisung said with a small smile once he sat down, just like he said he would over text. Not that Minho would ever know that he actually kept his word.

Minho looked up since he had previously not noticed that the younger came in and tried to stay calm as he made eye contact. Considering that this had already happed, you would think he would be able to handle the situation better. But no, he was still a mess.

"Hi," Minho said back, staring at Jisung in admiration...or at least that was what he was telling himself rather than the fact that he simply looked adorable.

"Umm...has it been busy today?" Jisung questioned, trying to start some sort of conversation. He looked down at his hands, trying to ignore the fact that Minho was very shamelessly starring at him.

Minho still couldn't comprehend the first time J.one came to the cafe and now he's back a second time. He was beginning to think that he's been sleeping for the past two weeks... although if it were a dream, CB97 would be there too, or instead even.

"No, we're usually never that busy. Sometimes there's a small rush of people when we first open but other than that it's pretty calm here."

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