~forty nine~

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this chapter is long and i did not feel
like proofreading it i'm sorry for all of the mistakes  ㅜㅜ

"Hi!" Jisung said happily to Minho's cats once they walked into Minho's apartment. Minho was still smiling like an idiot from kissing Jisung a few minutes ago outside but now his smile was even bigger as he watched Jisung greet Soonie, Doongie, and Dori.

"Sungie have you eaten anything yet?" Minho questioned, walking into his kitchen to see if he had anything to cook for him.

"Yeah, I ate earlier," Jisung explained, placing his mask on the counter and pulling down his hoodie.

"Are you thirsty?"

"Why is your fridge filled with Soju?" Jisung questioned, seeing Minho open it and it for the most part only consisting of a couple of bottled waters and lots of soju.

"Seungmin's birthday is tomorrow and apparently they have to come here to celebrate it even though Seungmin and I  hate each other."

"You're a divorced couple." Jisung laughed softly, remembering what Felix had told him. "I heard Seungmin is really nice though, why don't you like him?"

"I do like him. I would just never tell him that though. He's annoying." Minho explained, rolling his eyes at the thought. "Why were you asking?"

"I was just curious and don't you get all sedimental all and stuff when you're drunk?"

"Yup. I'm gonna embarrass myself. Ignore me if I text you at all tomorrow night."

"I wanna see a clingy sedimental Minho." Jisung frowned.

"I will never allow you to see me like that."

"I get all clingy and stuff when I drink too. I also say and do extremely stupid stuff."

"Like kiss people?" Minho joked.

"Hey! If it were someone who I didn't know I would have pushed them away immediately...it's just kinda hard to reject a friend. I do love him, in a different way of course, but I didn't want to hurt him and I wasn't thinking correctly either of the times." Jisung defended himself.

"I'm just kidding baby," he said, squishing one of Jisung's cheeks with his thumb and index finger. "Did you perform before coming here?" Minho questioned, for some reason just now noticing Jisung's makeup.

"Mhm." Jisung hummed in response with a small smile, "it was the last one that we had to do for promoting this album."

"Does that mean you're going to have more free time again?"

"I still have to work on songs more than I previously have been but yeah, I'll start visiting you at the cafe and stuff again."

"Be prepared to deal with Felix."

"Felix is funny...I also kinda want to properly introduce myself to him soon. If you think it would be okay for me too."

"He might freak out but if you're wondering whether or not he's trustworthy or not then he is. He doesn't seem like he would be but Felix is a really nice person to talk to about serious stuff. He's good at keeping secrets."

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