~eighty one~

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-not proofread-

Jisung finished what he needed to do in the studio a bit early so he decided to go to the dance studio sooner, curious as to whether or not Minho would be there already.

He was aware that Minho had some sort of skill in dancing since the older had helped him learn the choreography last time they hung out.

It was obvious that Minho wasn't near as bad at dancing as he thought that he was. He just hoped he could get Minho to realize that. Though everything Minho had helped Jisung through, his one goal was to make Minho realize how talented he is.

Jisung arrived at the dance studio and slowly opened the door to peak in since he heard music as he approached.

He didn't mean to stare when he knew Minho most likely wasn't comfortable dancing in front of him yet but he couldn't help it. He froze as he watched the older dance perfectly to whatever song was playing. Simply saying that Minho was 'amazing' was truly an understatement.

Jisung noticed that he seemed to look at the ground rather than in the mirror at himself. Minho coyote even see how amazing he was doing. Though he doubted the older would see it as amazing.

The music stopped and Minho finally looked up at the mirror and saw Jisung peeking his head through the door.

"Hey, Sungie..." Minho greeted with a shy smile as he stayed frozen in his spot, a bit tense at the thought of someone who he had always seen as talented seeing him attempt to dance. "How long have you been standing there?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to watch you but I also didn't want to interrupt," Jisung explained, walking over to his boyfriend and gently kissing the other which immediately seemed to make him more relaxed.

"It's okay," Minho replied and though he wanted to know what his boyfriend thought about it he was too scared to ask since he obviously didn't handle criticism well due to his past.

"Can't believe how talented my boyfriend is," Jisung said, remembering something Minho said to him a while ago as Minho looked up at him tilting his head a little bit.

"You don't have to lie about it...I know it's not great but I also haven't tried since high school."

"Do you want me to be honest?" the squirrel-like boy asked, moving both of his hands to the sides of Minho's face in order to make eye contact as he smiled a bit at him.

"Honestly, I'm scared to say yes to that." He replied, cautiously moving his hands to his boyfriend's waist.

"I'm gonna tell you anyway."


"I think you're the most amazing dancer I've ever seen...but I think there's one thing that could make it better."

"What is it?" Minho questioned with a small frown on his face.

"Confidence," Jisung said quietly. He himself lacked confidence as well up until he was actually on stage. At some point, he forgets all about the self-criticism but he's definitely hard on himself during practicing, producing, and writing when he's off stage to make up for the lack of it when he's not.

"I don't think that's the only thing lacking but thank you," Minho replied, kissing Jisung's forehead.

"Would you mind dancing to it again?"

"Umm...If you want me to I will."

"Are you okay with it?"

"I would prefer dancing in front of you over anyone else...I already told you that you make me feel comfortable. If you want me to then I will." Minho said with a reassuring smile and Jisung let go of his face and moved to sit against the wall to watch.

"Can you try to watch yourself in the mirror this time?" Jisung asked as Minho pressed play and returned to the middle of the room.

"Yeah, sure."

Minho watched himself in the mirror despite being unsure about the idea when the music started but smiled when he heard Jisung basically fanboying while watching him.

Jisung continues basically yelling compliments as Minho continued dancing, holding back laughter as he took notice of everything Jisung was saying.

Some of it was actual compliments about skill and the other half was just Jisung making dumb comments such as "wowwww he's hot," and "excuse me Hyung, do you have a boyfriend?"

Even those stupid comments oddly felt like they had a deeper meaning...the lyrics to that song were the first thing Jisung had ever texted him after all.

"You're so dumb," Minho broke out into laughter once the song ended.

Jisung smiled as he stood up and walked back over to his boyfriend. "I think I was just saying things that anyone would be thinking if they witnessed that I just did."

"I think you might be the only person to go that far with it."

"Obviously, that's because I'm you're number one fan," Jisung responded rolling his eyes sarcastically.

"Oh, are you?"

"Of course, can I have your autograph? Can we take a selfie together?" He asked dramatically.

"Jisung." Minho laughed even more.

"Woah, you just said my name."

"You're acting like Felix."

"Maybe I should make a fan account like Felix too."

"On a more serious note though," Minho said as Jisung looked up at him which for absolutely no reason caused them both to break out laughing. "Han Jisung!"

"I'm sorry...what?"

"Thank you...I think that's the most confident I've ever felt while dancing." Minho reassured, wanting to let Jisung know that he did in fact help...even if his method was a bit strange.

Jisung smiled a bit at his words and quickly gave him another kiss.

"Which choreography did you need help with?" Minho questioned, now wanting to change the topic since he felt weird after admitting that to the younger.

"I don't actually need help with anything. I kinda just used it as an excuse to hang out with you." The younger explained.

"Then would you like to teach me one of 3Racha's choreography?"

"I would love to."

the fact that some of you seem genuinely scared that this is going to have a bad ending ㅜㅜ...i can't even think of a way for it to end badly

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