Frozen Fire sequel: Trailer 1

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This book is planned to release Spring 2022!

The name of the sequel hasn't been finalized yet, but here's a quick piece of what I currently have for one of the chapters as a teaser, this will be part of the first chapter and pick right off from where Frozen Fire left us! Enjoy the sneak peek everyone

As Marshall and Everest slept in Ryder's bed, they stayed asleep, only lightly stirring with no nightmares, finally getting some good sleep after the horrors of the last few weeks, which could be in part due to being right next to each other and Ryder. But eventually, Chase came up to Ryder's room to wake up the three of them, mainly because everyone who was up was hungry.

"Ryder sir?" Chase called out as he entered the room "It's 9 in the morning, you guys getting up?" He asked, even though his question fell on sleeping ears, his stomachs rumbling woke up Ryder, who shot awake to see Marshall and Everest cuddled into each other. Marshall was buried into Everest's fur in her chest and she had her face in his fur, which made them curled up into a ball. Deciding not to wake them, Ryder and Chase walked out of the lookout as Ryder got a message on his pup pad from the therapist he had been talking to so they could help Marshall and Everest.

"Go on ahead Chase, I'll be down there in a second" Ryder told the German Shepard who went back down the elevator as Ryder opened up the message, it read: Dear Ryder, I'm going to be coming to the lookout tomorrow at 2:30 PM, does that work for you? I'll be speaking to Marshall and Everest about setting up two appointments to start off. Please do let me know if that sounds good - Rebecca" Ryder finished reading the message as he turned off his pup pad, walking into the living room so he could feed the pups.

Despite eating, Rubble felt the need to ask something. "So Ryder, how are Marshall and Everest holding up?" It was a question on everyone's mind, but there was a lot more as well. Like Ruben and Butch being wherever they wanted to be with them having escaped the facility Marshall and Everest were captured in before Skye and Zuma could bring them into the police.

Before Ryder could speak up though, Chase lightly cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "I can still bring the evidence I found using my police camera. That way, there should be a warrant for their arrest" Chase called out, which made the pups a bit more relieved that their police pup would do whatever it took to get Butch and Ruben to face the legal system for their actions.

Hearing this, Ryder made sure to answer Rubble. "They're doing better Rubble, the therapist for them is coming in tomorrow at 2:30 PM to meet them for the first time, but let's just keep taking things slow, okay everyone?"

The pups had finished eating by the time he said that, and what Ryder said put some small smiles on their faces. "That's good to hear Ryder, he's right though everyone, we're going to stand beside Marshall and Everest through their path to overcoming everything, but we can't rush them" Chase called out as he heard a sound from the elevator. Looking over, he saw Marshall and Everest standing still, nuzzling into each other as they both walked to their food bowls without saying a word.

Well everyone! This is a piece of chapter 1 for the sequel to Frozen Fire. Like I said this book will be released likely in Spring 2022, but as always any and all feedback is always appreciated!

Question: What do you think Marshall and Everest will do to finally overcome Ruben and Butch in the sequel?

Edit (December 19th 2021): the quality of the writing in the trailer is not what will be in the finished product, this is just my current writing level.

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