Crimson Streets Teaser - Echoes of Vengeance

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Rocky lay on the cold, hard floor of the train car, his body aching with every jostle and sway of the moving train. The rhythmic clatter of the tracks beneath him echoed through the empty carriage, a steady reminder of the journey that lay ahead.

As he drifted in and out of consciousness, Rocky's mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions. Memories of his family, their faces etched with love and laughter, mingled with the searing pain of their loss. Each thought was like a knife twisting in his heart, reopening wounds that had never truly healed, and never would.

But amidst the turmoil, there burned a fierce determination—a resolve to see justice done, no matter the cost. With every beat of his heart, Rocky felt the flames of vengeance flickering within him, driving him forward in his quest for retribution.

In the darkness of the train car, Rocky found himself grappling with the weight of his own mortality. The specter of death loomed large in his mind, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the fleeting nature of existence.

Yet, even in the face of such uncertainty, Rocky refused to yield to despair. With every passing moment, he clung to the hope of a brighter future, a world where justice prevailed and the innocent were spared the horrors of violence and suffering. And it's a world that he would fight for, if nothing else but for the fact that it's all the mixed breed has left to live for.

As the train hurtled onward into the night, carrying Rocky ever further from the ruins of the once proud city of Livoughroux, he closed his eyes and let the steady rhythm of the tracks lull him into a fitful slumber. In the depths of his dreams, he saw visions of a city reborn—a place where hope bloomed amidst the ashes of despair, and where the echoes of the past gave way to the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

"Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. Growing up in Livoughroux, you learn pretty quickly that it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. You either learn to fight, or you become someone else's dinner. Because in Livoughroux, everyone has their own agenda. It's every man and dog for themself out here, and if you're not careful, you'll end up six feet under before you know it." -Rocky

"Welcome back to Livoughroux. The City drenched in Blood."

Crimson Streets. This tale of vengeance begins on November 19th 2024.

"Life is just like a roulette of regret, realizing there are things... and people we care about, who we can't protect."

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