The Price of Power: Trailer Two - Follow my Heart

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I've decided I will follow my heart

As the trailer begins, the emblems of each of the thirteen Mighty Pups are seen flying through the air as the lyrics play, and the emblems slowly turn into streams of light of their respective colors as the camera pans away.

Promise yours will always be right near me

As the camera pans back in, a date flashes on the screen briefly, being July 15th 2018, revealing nine of the pups being at a party in Adventure Bay, being: Marshall, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Rubble, Tracker, Everest. The other four pups who are Mighty Pups in the present day of the story (July 29th 2018) are nowhere to be seen in the scene.

What if you could take the chance to save a life?

"Marshy! Over here, it's me, Everest! I was wondering, and I'm sorry if this is sudden... but would you want to... go on a date with me?"

"I-I'd love to, Everest. Where would you like to go?"

But you, you could only save them by losing everything

Two meteors that are very similar to the first Mighty Meteor are then seen falling from space, one landing in the middle of Adventure City, and the other landing in Barkingburg castle, destroying part of the building in the process as both begin to break open.

If I could go back and give up everything I had

"Okay pups, I'm hearing reports of a new meteor landing in Adventure City. From the sounds of things, this situation is nearly identical to the Mighty Meteor situation in Adventure Bay from last year. Multiple people and pups have already gained powers from this meteor, however they aren't able to control these powers and are wreaking havoc in their community against their will, causing widespread death and destruction in the nearby areas. For this mission, we'll need all paws on deck. Get ready to head to Adventure City. When we're there, we'll split up. Both teams will need to subdue the civilians and animals who have gained powers non lethally and retrieve the meteor so we can contain it safely. Mighty Pups, let's go!"

"Copy that, Ryder, sir!"

I would never hide my scars for anything

No, not for no one

"We didn't know it at the time, but that mission we got from Ryder two weeks ago that made us become Mighty Pups for the first time in a while signalled the beginning of the end for the peaceful times we'd all grown accustomed to."

It's so hard to walk on water every day

The Mighty Jet is then seen flying over Adventure City as multiple buildings are seen burning down and collapsing.

"I hope Liberty is okay in all of this. She also has that pup she adopted last year to take care of. I hope they're both safe from this carnage."

If I fall you know I would swim

Through oceans of my tears to be with you

"W-Why do those that we care about always have to die? What... did we do to deserve this hell of a life? I just don't understand."

Say goodbye

I don't have the strength to let it all end

Chase and Axton are then seen fighting each other as Axton unleashes a pulse of malice filled energy, knocking Chase back as the German Shepherd lands on the sidewalk of the street they were fighting in, slowly picking himself up as Skye leaps into the air, beginning to glow in a bright pink as she lets out as a battle cry.

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