Pups on Mount Everest: Cover Reveal

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Pups on Mount Everest is back at some point this year with a full rewrite! I don't have anything to share yet, but here's the brand new cover!

For now, I'll be focusing on Blazing Avalanche, A Dalmatian's Reunion and Burning Flashpoint when that releases in two days as of posting this

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For now, I'll be focusing on Blazing Avalanche, A Dalmatian's Reunion and Burning Flashpoint when that releases in two days as of posting this. After those stories, I will more than likely have news to share on this story and the revisiting I'm doing for it!

Before I go silent on this rewrite though, here's the new story description: The pups are facing their biggest challenge yet! Ryder has gone missing with his last known location was Mount Everest in the Himalayas. The team knew what it was like to work without Ryder, and they could handle themselves. But with the higher elevations came a higher risk. Ryder was now on a race against time. More dangers and choices would mean the return of the pups' beloved owner. How will the Paw Patrol manage this rescue without their leader? The harsh weather and terrain will push them to their limit, but one question kept circling the air around them. What was Ryder doing in the Himalayas?

But until there's more news to share for this story, see you all next time!

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