Starlight Confessions - Reveal Trailer

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As the screen fades in from black, revealing a dimly lit backstage area of a concert venue, the sound of distant cheering can be heard in the background.

In a world where fame shines like a beacon...

Liberty, Sweetie and Everest can be seen standing on stage, bathed in the glow of stage lights as adoring fans cheer in the audience, waving light sticks and reaching out towards the stage as they cheer loudly.

Three idols, each with their own dreams and struggles...

Quick cuts of Liberty, Sweetie and Everest performing on stage, signing autographs and smiling for the cameras can be seen.

But behind the glitz and glamour lies a darkness that threatens to consume them..

Shots of empty corridors, flickering lights, empty pill bottles, shattered mirrors and scales, and close ups of the trouble expressions on the faces of Liberty, Sweetie and Everest can be seen on screen.

Secrets, lies, and betrayal lurk in the shadows, waiting to be revealed.

Liberty can then be seen in the dressing room backstage, her hands on her face as she cries out, her facade of confidence and perfection crumbling as she gets changed into her idol costume, but as soon as it's on, the facade she shows to the world is reignited as she steps back out.

As they navigate the treacherous waters of the idol industry...

Everest can then be seen in her apartment, having a phone call with her management team as she cries loudly.

"We need you to understand," he continued, his voice growing increasingly impatient. "This kind of publicity is not good for us. We can't have our top talent airing their dirty laundry in public."

Tears welled up in Everest's eyes as she listened to her manager's words, the weight of his ultimatum crushing her spirit.

"But... but I thought..." she stammered, her voice trembling with disbelief. "I thought you would understand. I thought you would help me."

There was a heavy sigh on the other end of the line, followed by a terse reply. "Everest, we're giving you a choice. You can keep quiet about your struggles and continue to be our star, or you can go public and risk being released from your contract. The decision is yours."

They will discover that the price of fame may be higher than they ever imagined.

The screen then fades to black as the title Starlight Confessions fades in, accompanied by haunting music.

Starlight Confessions. Coming soon.

Dare to uncover the truth behind the glittering facade.


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