Lilo - Cut me some Slack

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Louis’ POV

 I lay on the couch staring intently at my flat stomach. It’s hard to think that there is a little person growing inside of me. Every now and then my stomach would twist and I’d end up puking my guts up. Liam was out getting oranges and green olives, my current craving which is driving all of us mad.

 Today is the day we’re telling the rest of the lads, telling them I’m pregnant. I honestly am worried about how they’re going to react. Seriously, I’m a guy and I’m pregnant. Men don’t get pregnant. But according to the Doctor Liam and I saw yesterday I was born with a girl’s reproductive organs inside of me and still have a man’s organs on the outside.

 The door opened and Liam walked in with a plastic bag filled with oranges and was carrying the jar of olives. “Li Li!” I cried jumping up from our lumpy sofa. He grinned and dropped the oranges onto the sofa, “miss me Lou?” He teased kissing me softly while placing the jar onto the coffee table.

“Of course I missed you, that’s why I married you.” He chuckled and shoved the oranges into the middle of the couch so he could sit down.

 I popped an olive into my mouth and started peeling my first orange as Zayn and Niall walked through the door. “Hey guys,” Liam called out as they walked into the living room.

We exchanged greetings as I stuffed my mouth full of juicy orange segments. Niall chuckled at my pace and I started peeling the second. Harry joined us not soon after. We mucked around for a while and Zayn challenged Harry to a round of Halo.

 I began peeling my 6th orange as Niall walked back into the room after his regular kitchen visitation. “Geez Lou; have you eaten enough there? That’s like you 10th orange since we’ve been here.” I rolled my eyes, “Well I am eating for two here so cut me some slack.”

 “What?” My body froze as I replayed the words I said in my head. The 3 lads were looking at me like I had 3 heads.

 Liam looked at me with renewed confidence, “Louis and I have something to tell you.” “I’m pregnant.” I blurted slapping my hands over my mouth instantly. Their eyes widened in either disgust or shock, I couldn’t tell.

 You’re having a baby?” Harry asked with something that looked like excitement in his eyes. I nodded, “Is it Liam’s?” Niall spoke up with a look of confusion. I rolled my eyes, “No its Barak Obama’s, of course it’s Liam’s.” They managed a stiff laugh.

 Liam and I explained what the Doctor told us yesterday about how it happened and that it is an extremely rare condition. After several minutes of awkward silence Zayn FINALLY spoke up, “Guys, I’m going to be an uncle!”

I grinned and nodded. He suddenly jumped up and pulled me into a hug, “Congrats buddy.” Niall and Harry soon followed still a bit shell shocked that I’m having a baby.

Liam’s POV

It was incredible to watch Louis’ stomach swell with the growth of our unborn baby. 9 months later he gave birth to a healthy baby boy named Isaac James Tomlinson-Payne, born on November 18th 2012.

The day of Isaac’s first birthday Lou discovered we was pregnant for a second time. His stomach swelled incredibly and rapidly, we then found that Lou was carrying twins.

June 11th 2014 he delivered our beautiful twin girls, Elisabeth Jane and Charlotte Anastasia Tomlinson-Payne. Sadly our little Lizzie was born with a heart defect and died 5 months later in ICU.

 So that leaves me here, at Isaac’s 5th birthday party. I watch as Lou waddles around with Charlotte on his hip rubbing his swelling stomach tenderly. He’s pregnant again, with another little girl who will be born in 4 months. Harry and Niall were in the pool with Isaac and his friends.

 Harry married his long-term girlfriend Ashley 3 years ago and are now the proud parents of a little girl named Darcy who was fast asleep in her Mother’s warm embrace. Niall married X factor star Bella Ferraro and are expecting their first child in 6 months.

Zayn married his girlfriend of 4 years, Perrie. Sadly Perrie can’t have children so they adopted a 3 year old girl from a slum in India named Aishwarya (I-sh-vid-i-ya) but we call her Ash.

 My heart filled with warmth watching my best friends and husband interact with their own families. I couldn’t have imagined a better life than this.

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