Lirry - Easier than Expected

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Harry's POV

It can't be

No way

I don't believe it

I won't believe it

I can't be pregnant! i'm not a girl! I'm Harry Styles, a normal 19 year old lad from Holmes Chapel.

"Mr Styles, is there anyone you want me to call?" The doctor entered making me jump slightly. I shook my head sadly, "I just need to go home." He nodded and smiled sympathetically, "Go home and rest. I'll need to see you again next week for your 10 week scan." I nodded and shook his hand.

I walked into the waiting room where Liam an Paul were waiting silently, for once. Liam's head snapped up as i walked closer. He stood nd pulled me in for a hug. "Are you ready to leave now babe?" I nodded sadly and allowed Liam to lead me to the car while Paul paid.

"You want to tell me what the doctor said?" Li asked quietly. I shook my head, "I'll tell you later, i promise." He nodded and pressed a worried kiss to my cheek. Paul climbed into the drivers seat and went left the horrible clinic.

After several weeks of feeling sick in the mornings and moodiness i took a pregnancy test as a joke and got the shock of a lifetime when it came back positive. That's why i went to the doctor, just in case. I had no idea how i was going to tell Liam though, we weren't married. not even engaged! We'd been dating for 2 years and had talked about marraige, but weren't quite there yet.

Paul pulled up to the house, "I'll catch you later lads!" He hollered as we clambered out. We walked arm in arm up to the house and into the bedroom. I colapsed onto the bed exhausted and in desperate need of sleep.

Liam smiled and headed into the bathroom. I listened as the fucet was turned on and the door was closed. The soothing sound of the droplets hitting the tiles allowed me to fall asleep.

What seemed only moments later i was awoken by Liam shaking me. My eyes fluttered open only to be hit in the face with something Li threw at me. "Harry are you cheating on me?" I squinted to see what had hit me. My heart stopped, the pregnancy tester.

"Harry God dammit answer me." Liam was sobbing now. I stood up and ttook his hands in mine, "Not possible Liam, I love you and i would never cheat." He frowned and pointed at the tester in my hand, "Then who's is that?" I sighed and pulled out the papers the Doctor had given me.  

He gasped as he read the first paragraph. "You're pregnant? Haz?" I nodded and sat on the bed directly in front of him. "We're going to parents?" I nodded hesitantly before Liam burst into tears and tackled me into a hug. "We're going to be Daddies!" My heart sored, that went easier than expected.

Short i know!! I'll probably do a part 2 for this!!

Just to let you all know... my parents split up recently and my Dad moved out today so i'm having a hard time writing these! I'm spending more time on Angel's Will Fly so i can release my emotions... please read the other story as well!

Teen Fiction #978 ... squealing!!

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