Narry - I'm not fine at all

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Sorry if there are letters missing or words wrong... my keyboard is falling apart and i struggled to edit!

This is a short one!


Niall's POV

"Ni, Ni baby, time to get up love." I scowled in irritation at the prodding finger,

"Go away Haz, 'm sleepy." A soft chuckle shook his long frame,

"But we get to see our little cherry today." The mention of Cherry had a smile spreading across my face.

3 months ago Harry and I discovered a beautiful miracle resting between my hipbones. Somehow I was able to concieve and thus our little Cherry was created. She was the size of a Cherry, hence her nickname.

"You were so excited last night babe,"

"Yeah that was before i remembered how warm our bed is." Harry kissed the side of my head,

"I'm going to go shower, be back soon." The bed shifted as he stood up and left the room, leaving me in silence.

"Are you ok in there Cherry? Are you ready for some breakfast?" No response, no movement or anything. It was too early for anything exciting to be happening.

"I'll take that as a yes, i need to take my vitamins to mak you big and strong. We can't be having you sick in there can we. Maybe we can go visit your Daddy in the shower."


"Has Cherry and Daddy had anything to eat this morning?" Harry pracitcally sang, happiness radiating from every pore. I tossed a raspberry at the cheerful man,

"we're feeling like McDonalds, can this happen?" Harry tossed the raspberry back at me,

"Go get changed then. I'll make you tea for the road." Blowing him a kiss i darted upstairs as fast as a pregnant mal dared. Grabbing a pair of loose jeans and a sweater. Quickly shoving my phone, wallet and keys into my pockets i walked downstairs to see Paul and Louis talking quietly with Harry who in turn was grinning. 

It was Louis who noticed me first,

"Hey Daddy Niall! Ready to see Cherry?" I grinned

"Of course! Are you coming with?" He nodded

"May as well, i need Paul's assistance once you've finished with him." Harry extended his hand,

"Come on love, our appointment is in an hour." 

The ride to the hospital included a rap battle between Nicki Minaj and Louis, then Harry against Louis singing along to Iggy Azalea, and an intense gam of ispy through the city of London. 

The entire time Harry had his hand placed gently across my middle where my small bump protruded over my pant line. In my mind, everything was fine. But there was a part of me that was concerned that i hadn't felt Cherry move. I'd done som research and many women are able to feel their baby wiggling, but i hadn't felt anything. 

And that concerned me a little. 

"Niall, are you ok? We're here." My head snapped up to see Harry smiling softly at me, his hand extnded to help me out of the car. I placed my hand in his squeezing gently,

"Ni what's wrong?" I shrugged,

"Think i'm gonna be ill." He nodded hurridly,

"Let's get you inside." 


20 minutes later i'm sat beside an ultrasound machine with the sonographer while we waited for Harry to return from a toilet stop.

"So have you felt your baby move yet?" She asked while flipping switches and fiddling with dials. I sighed,

"Not yet, is that bad?" She shook her head not looking at me,

"Everyone is different, plus youre a male there isn't really anything normal about your situation." 

"I'm back! I didnt miss anything did I?" Harry tripped awkwardly into the chair beside me kissing my wrist. 

"Ok Mr Horan shirt up, lets have a look at your baby and hopefully we can give you a gender." I felt Harry's hand tighten around mine,

"Gender! We can buy baby clothes!" I leant across and placed a kiss on his lips, flinching at the temperature of the gel. 

"There's your baby, little on the small side but that's ok." She said smiling, fiddling with more dials.

"Now there's the head, legs, arms, there's the spine." She frowned peering closer at the screen. Immediently Harry's grip tightened,

"What? What's wrong?" 

"I can't seem to be able to tell the gender, which is a little odd at this stage. Its possible we may have the conception date incorrect, let me just grab the Doctor." 

As soon as she left the room Harry took the seat in front of the machine trying to decipher the images.


"Dammit i wish i could understand this, its all just grey to me." I placed my hand on his wrist,

"Calm down love, its probably nothing. They weren't 100% sure how far along i am, we may be 2 weeks out." 

"Mr Styles I believe that is my seat," The sonographer teased earning a blush from the now distraught Harry. A tall woman i didn't recognise walked in smiling,

"Hi lads, i'm Doctor Kennedy. Lets take a look at your little one shall we." The wand was place against my stomach again showing the same images as before. 

"Well its clear that you're little one doesn't have any developed sexual organs yet, so your Doctor may be 2 or 3 weeks out with the conception date. But that happens, lets listen to the heartbeat."

I watched as she flipped on the speakers and a paced heartbeat filled the air,

"Daddy has a healthy heartbeat, that's good." She focused on the scren eded slowl around my lower body searching for the heartbeat. After several minutes her facial composure slipped, which didn't go unnoticed,

"There's no heartbeat, is there?" I asked quietly looking towards her face. She bit her lip,

"Sometimes its difficult to find." 

"Doctor Kennedy, please, is our baby alive or not?" Harry whimpered, grip tight on my hand. She looked up towards us,

"I'm sorry lads, but i believe your baby has passed." A lead weight dropped to the bottom of my stomach. 

"Wh, when? how long ago?" She sighed,

"Maybe a week? Mr Horan have you experienced any muscle pains in your abdomen?" I noddd stiffly, still trying to get my head around the fact, that my baby wasn't alive.

"Its like i did too many sit ups." She nodded,

"They are the beginning of a miscarriage, i'm sorry. You'll need to stay in bed for the next week, youre going to..." But i didnt hear anything else she said. My eyes zereod onto the screen where i could see my baby, still, not breathing, or even alive at all. 

How does anyone act ok after something like this? To act like everything is fine?

I'm not fine at all.


This is a bit depressing, sorry. 

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