Nouis - No Goodbye

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The part in italic is a flashback

 Niall’s POV

My body was in a state of shock, never did I think it would end this way. Louis had disappeared in tears as soon as we found out leaving me to grieve on my own. He promised that no matter what happened he would always stay, he promised.

 Louis was standing in front of me grinning like the Joker. “We’re going to be parents!” He squealed with such excitement I thought he was going to burst. He leapt forwards and crushed me in a tight hug pressing chaste kisses across my head. “I love you so much Nialler. I promise that no matter what happens with this baby, I’ll always be here.”

 I guess when he said no matter what happens he wasn’t thinking that we’d loose our baby. William James Tomlinson was born dead in the early hours of this morning, he was chocked his umbilical chord which was wrapped around his body when he was born. Lou stormed out of the delivery room leaving me to be consoled by the midwives.

 Now I’m lying in a hospital bed staring at the scream ceiling above me grieving for my son I never met. They had offered for me to say goodbye but why bother when you never got to say hello.

 My phone started ringing from the bedside table. I reached for it and saw it was Liam, the lads didn’t know yet. “Nialler oh my goodness can we come see you!” I sobbed into the phone, “Niall? Nialler what’s wrong?” I hiccupped, “We lost him Li, he wasn’t alive.” I heard him gasp, “Oh my goodness Niall we’ll be there in 5.”  

 Sure enough Liam, Zayn and Harry ran through the door of my room and straight to my bed. Liam pulled me in for a hug, “Shhh Niall, shhh.” “um, where’s Louis?” I heard Harry ask making me cry harder. “Niall, where’s Louis?” “He, he, he left. He left m,m,me Liam. As,s so,soon as we found out h,he left. I, I, I haven’t se,seen him since.” They all gasped and Harry pulled his phone out angrily.

 “Louis? Lou where the hell are you? You’re husband is in hospital bawling his eyes out because he just lost his baby and you aren’t even here. He was your son too and you should be here you self…” He pulled the phone away from his ear, “he hung up.” I sighed and painfully heaved myself into a sitting position. Zayn was rubbing my arm occasionally kissing my skin.

“I didn’t even get to see what he looked like,” I sobbed breaking the noise with my hand. “I never met William.” Their heads shot up, “You named him?” I nodded sadly, “William James Tomlinson.” Liam teared up and buried his face in his hands.

 We never saw Louis again after that fateful day. The last I heard of him was the divorce papers I received in the mail1 year after William died. Zayn married Perrie not long after Louis and I officially divorced. Harry and Liam ended up falling in love and were married a year later. Me, I never remarried. I never trusted anyone with my heart again after Louis Tomlinson, he broke my heart beyond repair.

OMG I can't believe i just wrote O_O Tell me if anyone apart from me cried or at least teared up a bit!

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