Zouis - Welcome back

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Just realised I had only done 1 Zouis!!! Here you go Zouis fans...

Louis' POV

I watched in horror as the doctors shocked his body once again. His body wasn't responding to anything the Doctors were throwing at him. I bounced the now crying baby in my arms watching as my husband fought for his life. Zayn had given birth to our little boy only a month ago before contracting an infection in his c section stiches.

The infection had spread quickly and had weakened his heart. Little Conor lay crying in my arms, he didn't know what was going on but still felt the need to cry. I knew he would be craving Zayn's milk but we couldn't risk him getting the infection too so he was being bottle red, not that he enjoyed it very much.

I watched as the heart monitor picked up again after the 3rd shock of adrenaline hit his system. I sighed with relief and shot a thankful prayer to the heavens. Conor settled and began sucking on his tiny thumb, a habit Zayn didn't want to break just yet.

The Doctors walked out shaking my hand and cooed over the tiny baby in my arms. I walked through the open door and sat beside the hospital bed. Zayn had been in  a coma for several days and they weren't sure if he was going to wake up. The lads and I had been hoping for the best.

One Direction was still going strong but had gone on a tour break for the past 8 months once we learned Zayn was pregnant. We would be on rest for another 6 months and then start recording a new album. But the lads and I had agreed that if Zayn didn't wake up, we wouldn't record the album. There is no replacing someone like Zayn.

We'd gotten married a little ovger 2 years ago shortly after Niall and Harry did. Liam was currently engaged to Danielle Peazer and to be married in 4 months. But everything had gone on hold when we leart of Zayn's condition.

I watched as Zayn began thrashing about against his restraints on the bed. The Doctors had tied him down after he had fallen off the bed from thrashing about. They said he would be experiencing night terrors and occasionaly would scream out. It was hard for me to watch him go through all this and not be able to do anything.

Tears streamed down my face as i watching him twitch occasionally and toss around. He's been trashing around for nearly 15 minutes when his eyes suddenly snapped open. His breathing was labored as he pulled at the restraints.

i didn't make a sound just in case he was set off, i had no idea what was going through his head.

Of course Conor chose the moment to cough making Zayn's head snap around so fast i heard it snap. His eyes widened and a smile broke out across his face. "Hey Lou," I burst into tears and lunged and him placing kissed all over his face causing him to laugh. "What's got you so excited?"

I snifflede and pulled away, "You idiot! You've been out cold for over a week. You died so many times and were brought back to life. I thought we'd lost you." I started to sob as tears slid down his own cheeks.

"Get these stupid restraints off me!" He cried. I hit the nurse attendance button and soon several doctors arrived with smiles on their faces. "Nice to see you up Mr Malik." Zayn frowned, "Please just take off these restraints! I need to hold my husband and my son." The doctor nodded and undid the clasps. Before the doctor could react Zayn was clutching onto to be sobbing uncontrollably and kissing Conor's tiny forehead. "i've got my boys back, they're back." He sobbed and kissed me clumsily.

"Mr. Malik we need to run some more tests on you to see if the infection is completely gone. If so you should be able to go home tomorrow night." I felt Zayn nod against my shoulder, "Can i at least hold my son first." I handed the now awake Conor over to Zayn and watched as they made eye contact for the first time. No one said anything. It was their first Father/Son bonding moment and it was beautiful.

Zayn was later given the all clear and we were able to go home, as a family. Several years later Conor was joing by a little girl who we name Anna. Thankfully Zayn didn't get sick again from the c section. I don't think i could have handle going through that all again.

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