Larry: No one ever said...

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Harry's POV

No one ever told me it would be this hard, this hard to watch as your child's life slips between your fingers. I couldn't do anything to save him. My paternal instincts kicked into full gear as I watched nurses race off with my baby. I was left laying on the delivery bed clutching Louis' hand desperate for news.

I had one into early labour for unknown reasons and soon rushed into delivery. it took 3 hours of contractions before the midwives were happy that I was able to deliver, only, our baby was breached. He had flipped due to stress from the labour making the delivery more painful and longer than planned. When he was finally born, he wasn't responding.

Every mother and father dreams of that moment when they get to hear their first born child scream for the first time, we didn't get that. All we got were panicked calls and nurses rushing away with our son.

Jackson Will Tomlinson-Styles, we named him soon after we found out we were having a boy. Louis had cried for hours, tears of joy. Our relationship had grown since then, knowing that our Larry Stylinson baby was on his way. Doctors had said he was doing great, a healthy baby.

But that all changed in the matter for less than an hour.



I curled against Louis' side, tears dripping from my eyes. We had been moved into a maternity ward where the nurses were trained to care for women, and in my case men, for were in post-birth shock. Normally where the new born is taken to the nursery and the husband/boyfriend is seated in the chair beside her clutching her hand.

In our case, we were waiting for news on Jackson. No one had come to tell us any news, for all we knew he could be dead and we wouldn't know, he could be in ICU fighting for his tiny life. The nurses in the ward weren't permitted to give information so we had stopped patronizing them hours ago.

Louis had fallen into a restless sleep about half an hour ago, tears still sat on his damp cheeks. We were both as scared as each other. At least I knew I had Lou by my side, we happily married and had been for 2 years before we discovered I was able to conceive. Our dreams of becoming parents blossomed and we tried for a baby finally succeeding 11 months later.

Now our little miracle was still in the unknown. I wanted to be angry at the midwives, but I couldn't be, what if they were too busy saving our sons life? But what if he was gone and they didn't know how to tell us? I wanted to know what was happening. I couldn't sleep, far too many thoughts were flying through my mind.

My eyes snapped up as a new doctor entered the room, a doctor who had been on the floor when Jackson was taken away. He slowly made his way towards my bed where I was still curled against Louis.

"Mr Tomlinson-Styles?" I nodded before gently waking Louis. He woke with a start grabbing for my hand as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"I'm sorry to say that your son hasn't made it, we tried everything. But his heart wasn't developed enough to sustain his tiny body." his expression showed grief and sadness.

A broken sob escaped Louis' chest as he pulled me close against him. Silent tears slid down my cheeks as the doctor shook Louis' hand before leaving, closing our room divider behind him.

And that is how we stayed for the next 3 days until I was discharged and sent home. The house seemed empty. Boxes of baby gear sat everywhere waiting to be used, but not or the child it was meant for.

"I'm sorry Lou, i'm sorry I couldn't save him," I choked out before flinging myself onto the couch. The chair beside me dipped before I felt two strong arms wrap around me,

"Haz it isn't your fault, maybe it just wasn't our time. Maybe in a year or two we can try again. But for now lets just try and get some sleep." His voice cracked with tears as he laid us down on the couch to sleep.

"I love you Louis,"

"I love you too baby."

No one ever said it would hurt this much...

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