Narry/Niam - I'll Wait For You

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Guys can you all be super fantastic and read my Niall fan fiction?? It doesn't get many reads any more and I really love it!!! Please give it a read :) Its complete so no cliff hangers n_n


I watched in horror and fear as the doctors shocked Harry’s body for the 2nd time. The rest of the room was a blur, my eyes trained solely on Harry.

“Clear.” A voice shouted shocking Harry’s body, for the third and final time. The heart monitor didn’t chance, flat lined. My heart sunk.

"Harry Styles, time of death 11:45pm, Wednesday 25th September 2013.”

Tears slid down my cheeks as silent sobs racked through my chest. A warm arm wrapped around my waist,

“Come here Ni,” and I sobbed into Louis’ chest.

Harry and Zayn were driving to the hospital to join me when I had my ultrasound once I hit 3 months. Only, a truck lost control crashing into the driver’s side of the car. Harry, being the driver, was crushed. The amount of damage received was too much for his body, killing him, just now. Zayn was in a stable condition in an induced a coma, but he would be ok.

“He can’t be gone Lou, he didn’t get to see his own child.” The grip around me tightened,

“Let’s get you home. Liam is here he’ll take you.” I felt a kiss paced on my forehead and then my body was passed to the familiar arms of Liam.

“You want to say goodbye first?” I nodded wiping the tears from my face,

“Yes please,” Liam smiled gently, and took my hand leading towards the still body of my lover. I was half expecting his eyes to open and Louis to pop in announcing it was all a joke. But he didn’t.

His chest was marred with the burns from the defibrillator paddles, which were for nothing. A sob escaped my lips as I fell against his still chest. Another sob echoed through the room. I turned to see Liam sobbing into his hands. Clenching my eyes I kissed Harry’s cold lips,

“I love you Harry.”


The following days I refused to leave my room, I couldn't stand the sight of Zouis out in the living room or other people. My heart was shattered to pieces; the only thing keeping me going was the tiny unborn baby growing within me.

Liam brought me food and water to keep the baby and I healthy. He always had tear stains on his cheeks which made me feel less useless, I wasn't the only one grieving.

I didn't lay eyes on Louis and Zayn until the day of the funeral. The lads were all dressed in crisp black suits with solemn expressions of grief and sadness.

I cried through the entire funeral, a protective hand rested across my stomach. My baby would never get to meet their daddy, and it broke my heart beyond recollection.

Liam stood with a firm grip around my shoulders as I cried into his shoulder. Anne stood on my left with a constant stream of tears, besides me I felt like she was taking it the hardest. Her son, a ripe aged of 22, was dead. Never for either of us to hold again, never to kiss or love again.

I cried myself to sleep for several months.


 At 6 months pregnant, 3 months after Harry's passing, I felt like I was finally pushing past my grief and finding my place.

I was spending more time with the lads and doing interviews again, mind you they were only phone interviews. I wasn't to be out in public after I hit 4 months, which suited me just fine. The world was still grieving the loss of my boyfriend and I wasn't ready to see the fans.

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