Lilo -Two birds with one Stone

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Louis’ POV

“Lou can you get me the pickled onions please!” Liam hollered from the living room. I rolled my eye and pulled out the nearly empty jar of revolting onions. As I walked into the living room Liam burst into tears watching Finding Neverland. I groaned and shoved the jaw into his hands, “You’re crying again?”

He frowned, “It’s really sad, how can you be crying?” I huffed, “Cause I’m a man.” Liam gasped in anger. I really should have known better than to argue with a pregnant man, his hormones were running rampage.

 “Are you saying I’m not a man? I may be pregnant but I am a man.” He hauled himself from the couch and stormed down the hallway.

Well more limped, his swollen stomach prevented any speed. He was 4 ½ months pregnant and starting to feel uncomfortable. I followed him and knocked on the now closed door.

 “Go away Lou,” I sighed and tried the door. Silly Liam didn’t lock the door. Walking in slowly I saw him curled up against my pillow. I sighed, “I’m sorry Li. I didn’t mean it.” He chuckled and sat up, “I know, but it still hurt.”

I nodded and blew him a kiss as I walked over to the bed. “Seems like we’re both pregnant, us and our stupid mood swings.” Liam joked tossing the pillow at my face.

I stared in shock at the stick in Harry’s hand (dirty minded children). He stared in amazement at the two pink lines. “Lou, you’re pregnant.”

 Liam took the news a lot better than I thought. He wasn’t too surprised though, he said it explained my mood swings and excessive eating habits. We spent the next few weeks rubbing each other’s growing bumps.

I watched as he grew to full term as I reached 4 ½ months. When we rested our bumps against each other the babies would kick, it was like they knew that the other unborn person was their sibling.

 One night at around 2am I was awoken by someone shaking me violently. I opened my eyes to meet Liam’s shining brown orbs.

“Louis get up,” I grumbled and sat up flicking the light on. To my amazement and shock I woke to see the sheets soaked. My head snapped up to meet Liam’s grinning face, “Action time.”

Liam’s POV

Louis somehow managed to stay completely calm during the birth. I screamed as I pushed one last time, sighing with relief as the air around us filled with the screaming of the terrified baby.

Moments later the screaming baby was placed in my arms. The wriggling body quietened down as they stared in my eyes. I was so overwhelmed by the beautiful blue orbs that I didn’t hear the nurse telling Louis the gender.

 “Hey son, I’m your other daddy. Nice to finally meet you.” I chuckled as Louis pressed a kiss to our sons forehead. The midwife returned with a clipboard, “So do we have a name yet?” I looked up to Louis and he nodded, “Aiden, Aiden William Payne.”

It was hard taking care of a young baby as well as a pregnant Louis. Thankfully Aiden wasn’t a fussy baby, but boy did he have a set of lungs on him. Louis struggled to sleep as it was with his ever growing bump without the help of a screaming baby. The day after Aiden clocked 3 months Louis went into labor, 6 weeks early.

 There was no way that he could go through natural birth so he was rushed into theater was a c-section. I paced through the waiting room with Aiden on my hip. I don’t think I had ever been so worried.

I had no doubt that Louis would make it out alright, maybe not our little baby. Thankfully the nurses kept Aiden occupied with small child-safe toys to fiddle with.

 An hour I was finally reunited with my beloved husband. He was completely exhausted and was worried out of his mind. Our little angel had been taken to ICU because the lungs weren’t developed yet. We still didn’t know if it was a girl or a boy.

Aiden helped a bit with cheering up the stressed Louis. The rest of the lads arrived to help calm Lou. A heavily pregnant Perrie joined our little gang as well. She looked like she was gonna pop at any moment, good thing she was already in a hospital.

 After 7 longs hours we finally learnt that our little miracle had survived but wasn’t to leave the hospital for a few weeks. We were also told that Louis had produced a beautiful little girl. Annabelle Marie Tomlinson.

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