Little Update for you x

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Hey guys!!!

So I haven't been able to update or write any mpregs for the past few months and I'm really, really sorry. 

I've been insanely busy with university work and i'm also going through a really tough time mentally and emotionally so i'm throwing myself into my Ed Sheeran story where i can release my emotions easier. 

I've had several amazing prompts fo mpregs and i promise i'll get around to writing them at some point, it may just take me a while. 

Feel free to continue to send me your amazing ideas, i write them all down and work on some every now and then as a brain break from studying, but i won't be uploading any new mpregs for a while. 

Sorry for you who've been waiting patiently and asking me for updates, i promise i'll update at some point. Just not any time soon. 

i've also had a few requests for me to write 1D/5SOS one shots for some people as present ideas for friends or something simliar, if you would like me to write something like that for you as a present for your birthday or for a friend i'll be more than happy to. I will easily make an exception for that :)

Thank you guys for all your amazing support, i love you all!!!

Please feel free to take a look at me Ed Sheeran story and my Michael Clifford story. Angels Will Fly is almost finished, which is very exciting and i would love it if i could get the read count a little higher, just because im a little greedy. 

Now there is an attractive boy giving me weird looks because im typing so fast so i'll end this here.

Thank you my lovelies! 

Bree x

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