Ziall - Luck Is on our side

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YAY I'm FINALLY updating after like 5 months of nothing... sorry :(


Niall's POV

"Niall I love you!"

"Come back!"

"Please don't leave!"

"Let me love you!"

I groaned in frustration as I dodged another pedestrian. The crowd of girls still continued to follow me, screaming and crying for me to stop.

I had been casually shopping with a wig and contacts on, but somehow a fan had realised it was me and tweeted. Soon enough I was running for my life and slowly running out of energy. I'd lost Paul ages ago, I was on my own.

"Niall!" I skidded to a stop as Harry pulled into a parking space a little a behind me. I sighed in relief and clambered into the passenger seat.

"Thank God for Harry Styles," I muttered winding up the blackened windows. He chuckled pulling out of the parking space.

"Paul called by and told me to find the hoards of screaming girls, found you easily enough." I huffed,

"Seriously, I can't even go shopping these days." Harry nodded,

"What did you need that Paul couldn't get for you?" I blushed,

"A pregnancy test." his eyes widened,

"You and Zayn trying for a baby again?" I nodded sheepishly,

"Yea, I just didn't want Paul to know."

"Well i'm happy for you both, let us know as soon as you get a positive." I smiled,

"Cheers mate! So, you and Ed, knocked him up yet?" Harry blushed,

"No, he's still got another tour. We can't try yet." I smirked,

"You got a sex ban?" he pouted and nodded,

"Its been 2 months! Its killing me." I burst out laughing at my poor friends misfortune.

"Maybe I should have left you on the pavement."


"Honey I'm home!" I sang waltzing through the door. Something hit the floor upstairs before a series of hurried steps few down the staircase.

"Daddy!" My 3 year old daughter Shara hurried towards me with arms wide open. I crouched down,

"Hi baby!" She ran straight into my arms giggling,

"Misseded you!" I chuckled kissing her cheek,

"I missed you too princess! Where is your Dada?"

"Right here," I looked up to see Zayn walking into the room smiling at us both.

"I be you!" Shara screeched pointing at Zayn. He pouted,

"Yes you did, you got the first hug." She giggled again burying her face against my shirt,

"My Daddy!" I chuckled kissing the top of her head,

"I brought ingredients to make cupcakes princess! Why don't you go find your apron Uncle Liam got you!" She squealed with excitement pattering up the stairs singing loudly to herself.

Zayn checked the stairs before walking towards me pressing a gentle kiss to my lips,

"Did you get the test?" I slid it into his hands,

"Yes, and I got chased by fans." He chuckled rubbing his nose against mine initiating an eskimo kiss.

"Poor you. Now, you better go get ready for cupcakes. You have a very excited 3 year old your hands."

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