Ziam - She's Perfect

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Zayn’s POV

There honestly isn’t anything more entertaining than watching Liam waddling around with his round belly. My partner in crime of 5 years is nearly full term with his pregnancy and he was getting fed up with not being able to do much.

The best part is when he waddles out of the bathroom asking for help getting his fly undone cause he can’t reach. I always get a slap around the head if he catches me laughing.

The other lads were more than helpful with looking after Liam’s cravings and giving his swollen ankles a well needed massage. His mood swings had thankfully settled so he was just fed up Liam now.

 “Zayny?” He called to me from the kitchen. I climbed off the couch and into the kitchen where he was reaching for something above the fridge. “You alright babe?” He shot me a glare, “I’m fine. Just wondering if you could call Har…” His face twisted in pain and his grabbed his lower abdomen. I rushed to hid side, “Li?”

 He looked at me with fear filled eyes, “Zayn, my water broke.” I nodded and helped him to a chair. “Wait here, I’ll go grab the bag and so on. Call me if you get another contrac…” Liam’s scream cut me off, “Zayn this baby is in a hurry.” He grimaced through the pain of the passing contraction.

 I nodded and sprinted up the stairs grabbing the overnight bag we packed last week. I heard Liam scream in pain again, he must be nearly fully dilated at this point. Doctors were adamant that he’d be perfectly fine to give birth naturally. I grabbed my keys and dashed downstairs to see a terrified Liam.

 “Zayn she’s moved further down. I can feel her.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the car. 5 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. I helped the screaming Liam through the doors, “Nurse, I need a nurse!” I yelled at the confused people around me.

“I need a nurse! My husband’s in labor.” Several nurses arrived and took Liam leaving me trailing desperately behind. “Zayn!” He screamed making me run faster.

 Within minutes Liam was in the delivery room with his lower half exposed. They didn’t have enough time to change him into scrubs seeing the baby was practically ready to come right now.

“You’re lucky Liam, some ladies are in labor for up to 30 hours.” He just screamed in response as another contraction hit. “She’s like you Liam, always needing to be early and in a rush.” My comment earned me a right slap in the balls.

Liam’s POV

The pain was unbearable. Tears began pouring down my cheeks as I continued pushing what felt like a watermelon out of my bum. I screamed again feeling like my hips were splitting, which technically they were. The sounds of a baby’s screams filled the air. 

I let out a breath of air as Zayn kissed my forehead, “I’m so proud of you Li.” He whispered, I looked into his eyes was a single tears slid down his face. “I love you Zayn,” My voice was strained as the pain drained from my body. He sobbed, “I love you too Li.”

 “Your little girl wants to meet her daddies.” The nurse brought over the wriggling blanket. She placed our little girl in my awaiting arms. I pushed the blanket back and tears poured own my face as I took in her perfect little face.

Her big, brown eyes stared intently back at me. “She’s perfect,” Zayn whispered pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You want to hold her?” He nodded so furiously I thought his head would roll right off. I passed him our little bundle of joy. My heart tore as I took in the sight in front of me. My beautiful husband holding our beautiful daughter.

“Do you have a name for your little girl?” I nodded wiping a tear from my cheek. “Isabella Faith Malik.”

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