Zarry - The middle of Nowhere

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Harry’s POV

“Release the Ninjas!” I sighed as I turned the volume up on our small TV. For some reason Louis thought it would be a great idea to go on a holiday in the middle of nowhere outside Essex. We were staying in a small log cabin and I’m nearly 9 months pregnant.

 The rest of the lads decided to go out for a little looks around where we were staying. I on the other couldn’t very far or fast due to the sheer size of my swollen torso. My ankles were swollen after my little adventure into the kitchen to find olives.

 A sharp kick broke me from my trance. The little one was getting a tad restless, ready to be brought into the world. He/she had moved and it felt like he/she was sitting between my thighs making moving rather uncomfortable. I just prayed that I didn’t have to get up in a hurry seeing I was finally comfortable on this lumpy couch.

The only problem for me with the lads being gone is that we have no phone reception and no neighbors. So if I go into labor there won’t be anyone around to help me. I sat watching Prank Patrol for several hours before the lads made a show. “Hey babe,” Zayn wandered over and kissed my cheek, “how’s our little devil?” I chuckled, “Settled.”

 Zayn always referred to the baby as a little devil. Not because he hated the baby, hell no. But because they never kicked for him not unless I had my hand on my bump as well.

 He leant forward a kissed my swollen stomach, “Good baby, let your daddy sleep now.” I chuckled and with his help hauled myself from the couch. “Time for bed eh?” I mumbled as I waddled towards our bedroom.

He chuckled from behind me, “You look dead tired and like you’re gonna pop at any moment.” I groaned, “I feel like. Seriously if you poked my stomach with a pin I’m sure the baby would just magically appear.” He chuckled and closed the door behind me.

 I pulled off my stretched sweater and sweats. Downside to being a pregnant guy, you can’t buy maternity clothes. Only 1 sweater fitted me and I had to borrow Liam’s sweats. I lay on the bed in my Calvin Klein boxers waiting for Zayn to return. I watched him standing in our ensuite brushing his teeth pulling faces at me in the mirror.

 My laughter was then chocked by a gasp of pain. I clutched my stomach feeling the muscles tightening painfully “Haz?” Zayn jogged into the room placing his hand on my arm, “Haz are you alright?” I nodded painfully, “I don’t know if that was a Braxton or the real deal. But it hurt like hell.”

I felt the muscles loosen slowly as I sat up. The baby wasn’t moving so either they were asleep of preparing for birth. Zayn sat beside me with concerned look, “Wait 5 minutes, if it happens again I’ll send Liam out to get someone from the village.” I nodded and lay down again curling against Zayn. “I’m scared Zayn.” He sighed and kissed my temple, “Me too Haz, me too.”

 Moments later I screamed as I was hit with another powerful contraction. Definitely not a Braxton. “Harry!” The rest of the lads rushed into the room with scared faces. “Liam you know what to do.” Zayn yelled running into the bathroom.

Louis and Niall rushed to my side pulling me into an upright position. My eyes clamped shut and I breathed through the contraction. I heard Zayn talking to Niall about spreading towels out on the ground and piling cushions up. Then I could hear muffled voices down the hall. “Niall can you go see what’s going on?” I kept my eyes shut and just listened to Louis’ steady breathing.

“You can do this Haz, we’ll all be there. Well maybe not in the room but outside waiting to hear this little baby screaming her lungs out like you on a rollercoaster.” I chuckled but then gripped Lou’s hand tightly as I felt another contraction starting.

Louis’ POV

After Liam returned with a Doctor Zayn ushered the 3 of us out. We all cringed as we heard Harry scream in agony and there was nothing we do about it. It had been 2 hours and I could tell Haz would be feeling particularly weak. We were desperate to hear that high pitched scream, the one to start years of sleepless nights for us all.

 5 minutes later we were greeted with the awful sound of a baby crying. The 3 of us all cheered with relief knowing that the baby was alive and here with us. “Congrats daddy Styles!” I yelled earning a laugh from Zayn.

 Minutes later the door opened to see a smiling Doctor, “Would you like to meet your niece?” Niall burst into tears and hugged Liam tightly.  I shook the Doctor’s hand thanking him before walking into the room only to stop dead in my tracks.

The sight before me will never leave me. Harry was half on Zayn’s lap as he held the now quiet baby. Harry looked up with tear filled eyes and a face-splitting grin.

 Liam and Niall joined me taking in their first moment as a family. “You can come closer, she won’t bite.” Zayn joked as we hesitantly shuffled forward. “Lads meet Caitlyn Anne Styles.”

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