Niam - Unspoken Goodbye

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I write this during Chemistry so it may be a tad pathetic! Sorry xx

Liam's POV

I stared in horror at the two pink lines, this can't be possible. I'm a 20 year old male! I can't be pregnant. I was feeling slightly relieved because this would explain the vomiting and nausea. Never mind the insane food cravings.

Zayn had picked up on my weird behaviors and as a joke bought me a pregnancy test kit. Then i got concerned at my mood swings, lashing out at poor Niall. My heart stopped, how am i supposed to tell Niall? We were recently married and just moved into our new house on the outskirts of London.

I stepped out of the bathroom to find the house oddly quiet. My anxiety hit a sky high, Niall had been watching the Man Utd Vs. Liverpool game when i disappeared upstairs. I scurried into the living room to find it empty. On the sofa lad a folded letter addressed o me. Hesitantly i opened it...

My dearest Liam,

I'm so sorry but i can't do this anymore. I thought that when i proposed and you said yes, that you actually loved me. I felt that you did, but now I'm not so sure. I mean i can't handle the yelling and the constant anger. Just because i might have accidently changed the TV channel. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's almost as if you're a different person, you're not the person I fell I met all that time ago.

I love you Liam, but i can't be around until you sort yourself out.


Niall xx

P.S.I'm on my way to Mullingar as you are reading this. Please contact me when you've made a decision. I honestly don't want to lose what we have, but i can't put myself through this.

I grabbed the couch to balance myself. There was no way i was letting my Nialler get away. After several seconds i snapped out of my trance and ran out the front door. 20 minutes later i arrived at Heathrow/ I ignored the cameras and paps shouting questions. All i cared about was getting to the departures gate. Pushing my way through the crowd i finally saw the blonde haired Irishman I had been searching for.

"Niall!" His head snapped around so fast i swear i heard his neck crack. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. i raced towards him and pulled him into a massive hug. I had tears streaming down my face as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry Niall, i didn't mean to hurt you," I sobbed into his shirt. His grip tightened around me, "I didn't think you'd come." I pulled away frowning, "i would always come. no matter where you go i'll follow you. I love you Niall and i promise i have a decent explanation for why I've been a moody jerk." He smile lightly and took my hand, "Come on then, i want to hear it."

I found myself sitting in the Starbucks down the road from the airport telling Niall all about what Zayn had thought and then the positive test. It took him several moments for it to sink it before he finally reacted.

"We're going to be Daddies," he cried jumping into the air like the lunatic he is. But no matter what happens, he's MY lunatic.

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